CHAPTER XV. THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE CORPORATION EQUALLY OWNED—EQUALLY CONTROLLED EQUALLY BENEFICIAL During the 30-day program of revelations and recommendations prepared by The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration, each of the Research Department's discoveries and perfected inventions,—to which we have made reference in this bulletin,—will not only be fully described, but will also be offered without cost to those of the human race who a**ociate with The Universal Service Corporation and who will thereby consent to their "equal use," and to the equal unprejudiced distribution of the products and benefits of these numerous discoveries and inventions. An equality which must be subject only to the length of time it will take to teach backward people how to read and write, and how to appreciate and constructively use the world's modern inventions. THE INSTITUTE'S DISCOVERIES MUST BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF EVERY LAND, NO MATTER HOW "BACKWARD" CERTAIN OF SUCH PEOPLE MAY SEEM TO BE BEFORE THEY ARE TAUGHT THE TRUE VALUE OF "UNITED EFFORT" AND "BROTHERLY LOVE." Only upon the unequivocal acceptance of such conditions will the inventions and discoveries through which to provide financial independence to the human race be given to the two hundred million (200,000,000) people who will comprise our international audience. Only upon the signed agreement by each of them, that they will permit the products of their "equally-owned" Universal Service Corporation (which they will at that time be helped to form) to be distributed "equally" to the people of every land, irrespective of race, religion, color, cla**, education, training or ability—subject only to the consent of each new member owner to the same by-laws of brotherly love which will constitute the eternal and unalterable charter of this great Service Corporation—will our Research Department release its revolutionary discoveries into the hands of the Corporation's internationally elected Board of Directors. THESE DISCOVERIES WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO STAND AS A MONUMENT TO THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF SOME PERSON, OR GROUP OF PERSONS,—(IN ORDER THAT SAID PERSONS MAY BE GLORIFIED OUT OF ALL PROPORTION TO THEIR REAL IMPORTANCE IN THE UNIVERSAL SCHEME OF THINGS),—NOR AS A MONUMENT TO ANY ONE RELIGION, ANY ONE NATION, ANY ONE CLASS, OR ANY ONE PROFESSION; FOR NEVER WILL THOSE WHO REVEALED THEM—AND WHO CONSTITUTE OUR SPONSORS—BE KNOWN TO THE HUMAN RACE; AND THEREFORE, NEVER WILL RELIGIOUS, RACIAL, CLASS, OR PROFESSIONAL RIVALRY HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY THROUGH THE AVENUES OF "BIGOTRY," "JEALOUSY," "ENVY" OR "PRIDE," TO UNDO AN ACHIEVEMENT WHICH ONLY "UNSELFED LOVE" IN THE HEARTS OF "MANY MILLIONS" OF PEOPLE CAN POSSIBLY BRING TO ULTIMATE FULFILLMENT. Not only will the immediate abundance of the necessities and luxuries of life, to which we have herein referred, start flowing to the human race within a period of months but, with the aid of the world's numerous mechanical inventions and of our Research Department's revolutionary discoveries, they will be produced without the necessity of any of The Corporation's employees ever being obliged—after the first 12 months of its program—to work more than 4 hours per day, 4 days each week, or over 8 months in any one year. This ruling will apply both to "sk**ed" and "unsk**ed" labor, as well as to office workers and officials. All employees of said corporation will also receive three (3) days each week and four (4) entire months each year of vacation periods with pay. BEFORE THE END OF THE FIRST YEAR OF ITS EXISTENCE, THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE CORPORATION WILL BE ABLE TO PAY EACH AND EVERY ONE OF ITS EMPLOYEES,—FROM THE ONES OCCUPYING THE MOST LOWLY POSITIONS, TO THOSE WHO WILL CONSTITUTE ITS EXECUTIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS,—A MINIMUM SALARY OF THREE THOUSAND ($3,000.00) DOLLARS PER YEAR. WITHIN LESS THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF ITS FORMATION EACH EMPLOYEE, FROM THE LOWEST TO THE HIGHEST, WILL BE RECEIVING NOT LESS THAN THIRTY THOUSAND ($30,000.00) DOLLARS PER YEAR, AND EVERY MAN AND WOMAN ON OUR EARTH—IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE, RELIGION CLASS OR COLOR—WILL BE INVITED TO BECOME AN EMPLOYEE AND EQUAL CO-OWNER THEREOF. To those who will get out their pencil and paper and, within a few minutes of figuring, calculate that there isn't that much money in the entire world,—(nor in fact enough at thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars per year—for each one of the earth's hundreds of millions of adult inhabitants—with which to pay them that salary for even the period of one month),—we beg to remind them that people do not eat either gold or silver. DOLLARS ARE ONLY "SYMBOLS" OF VALUE. If one had a loaf of bread worth ten cents and, after eating it, was still hungry—and decided he could eat ten more loaves—he wouldn't reach into his pocket and expect to satisfy his hunger by chewing up a dollar's worth of ten-cent pieces. Dollars, when converted into that of which they are only the "symbols of value," represent bread and bu*ter, shoes, dresses, suits, hats, automobiles, airplanes, homes, beautiful parks, education, amusements, and all things desired by man. IT IS NOT DIFFICULT FOR ANY WELL-INFORMED MAN OR WOMAN TO PROVE THAT THE EARTH'S RESOURCES ARE AMPLY ABUNDANT, AND THAT THE WORLD'S HIGHLY EXPERIENCED EXECUTIVES, EXPERTS,. SPECIALISTS, SKILLED AND UNSKILLED LABOR, FACTORIES, MACHINERY AND MARVELOUS MECHANICAL INVENTIONS, COULD PRODUCE NECESSITIES AND LUXURIES OF LIFE FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE HUMAN RACE TO AN EXTENT EXCEEDING "HUNDREDS OF TIMES" THEIR CAPACITY TO USE OR TO CONSUME. If the world's present number of factories produce—let us say—an average of three hundred ($300.00) dollars worth of necessities and luxuries of life for each of the worlds inhabitants, and such production having proven to be inadequate, mankind votes a salary check of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars per year for food, clothes, homes, etc., to each man and woman employee and equal co-owner of The Universal Service Corporation,—all that it will be necessary for them to do then, is not to produce more gold or silver—or to print more money—but merely to build more "factories" and "machinery" and produce more food, clothes, homes, etc. When mankind decide that each man or woman should have thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars instead of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars per year, they will again increase the number of their factories, and continue to do so until the desired quantities of necessities and luxuries which they may choose to use, are finally being produced. The Research Department of The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration will, during its 30-day program of proclamations, "irrefutably" prove to even the most skeptical of men and women, that the factories and the farms of The Universal Service Corporation will be capable, (within a period of less than 12 months from the date of mankind's acceptance of its program), of producing a minimum of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars worth of commodities, services, etc., per year for every man and woman on this earth, and an average of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars worth of desired commodities for every member of the human race under 18 years of age. Our Research Department will at that time also prove that the productive capacity of said corporation will exceed an average of thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars per year—of the necessities and luxuries of life—per man or woman, within less than ten (10) years from the date of its formation. WITHIN O N E MONTH AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF OUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT'S 30-DAY PROGRAM, WHEN A SUFFICIENT PERCENTAGE OF ITS AUDIENCE OF TWO HUNDRED MILLION (200,000,000) MEN AND WOMEN HAS VOTED IN FAVOR OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BUSINESS FACILITIES THROUGH THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE CORPORATION, OUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT "GUARANTEES" THAT SAID CORPORATION'S NUMEROUS DEPARTMENTS WILL THEN BE CAPABLE OF "IMMEDIATELY" HIRING THE UNEMPLOYED MEN AND WOMEN OF THE WORLD'S CIVILIZED NATIONS, AT THE RATE OF CONSIDERABLY OVER TWO MILLION (2,000,000) PEOPLE PER WEEK. Tens of millions of unemployed men and women throughout the major nations of the world, have been forced into idleness and hardships by the manipulations of the "Money Changers," not only for reasons which have been described in the previous pages hereof, but most particularly for the purpose of causing resentment, bitterness and hate in their hearts against their present governments, in order that they might thereby more readily be influenced into drastically altering their various governmental structures and accepting dictatorships in their stead or, if sufficiently embittered, be influenced into joining the ranks of the Communists and—(through a carefully staged revolution, planned and financed by the Money Changers)—bring about the complete overthrow of their former governments and appoint Communist dictators as their leaders and governors. All well-informed people are fully aware of the fact that these plans to cause discontent and bitterness in the hearts of millions of people have already reached the point where there are some millions of Communists and Fascists in France, other millions in England, and over ten million (10,000,000) members of these various radical groups even in the "United States of America," which already provides its people with greater liberty and freedom than have ever before been enjoyed by the citizens of any nation. ALL WELL-INFORMED INDIVIDUALS A R E ALSO FULLY AWARE OF THE FACT THAT THE UNEMPLOYED OF EVERY MAJOR NATION COULD—DURING THE PAST SIX YEARS—HAVE BEEN PROVIDED WITH PERMANENT POSITIONS "AT ANY TIME" WITHIN A PERIOD OF LESS THAN "NINETY DAYS" BY THE POLITICAL LEADERS OF THE RESPECTIVE ADMINISTRATIONS, IF SUCH LEADERS HAD BEEN WILLING OR COURAGEOUS ENOUGH AT ANY ONE TIME TO OVERCOME THE STRANGLE-HOLD AND POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF THE "MONEY CHANGERS" FOR EVEN A PERIOD OF A FEW WEEKS. THE FACT THAT AFTER "SIX YEARS," NOT EVEN ONE NATION HAS BEEN ABLE TO SUPPLY "PERMANENT" POSITIONS FOR ITS UNEMPLOYED—(OR TO BREAK THE BACKBONE OF THE HIDDEN RULERS' CAREFULLY PLANNED WORLD-WIDE DEPRESSION)-SHOULD PROVIDE SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FOR ANY INTELLIGENT HUMAN BEING TO PROVE THAT IT IS HOPELESSLY FUTILE TO EVEN ATTEMPT TO IMPROVE CONDITIONS OF HUMAN LIFE ON OUR EARTH THROUGH THE PROCESS OF "WRITING 'LITTLE CROSSES' ON PIECES OF PAPER WHICH WE CALL BALLOTS," AND EXPECT—IN SOME MIRACULOUS MANNER—TO CAUSE THE "LEOPARD" TO CHANGE ITS SPOTS. THE POLITICAL MACHINES OF THE WORLD HAVE BEEN FOR CENTURIES—AND ARE TODAY—OWNED "BODY AND SOUL" BY THE WORLD'S HIDDEN RULERS, AND ARE FULLY AND COMPLETELY CONTROLLED AT THEIR WILL THROUGH THE AVENUES OF THEIR VAST CENTURY-OLD ACCUMULATIONS OF THE GOLD AND SILVER RESERVES OF THE WORLD. IF ANY SUPPORTING EVIDENCE IS NEEDED IN JUSTIFICATION OF THE STATEMENT THAT THE UNEMPLOYED COULD BE PUT INTO POSITIONS AT ANY TIME WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS, IT IS ONLY NECESSARY TO RECALL THE FACT THAT LESS THAN ONE ONE-HUNDREDTH PART OF THE FERTILE SOIL ON OUR PLANET HAS EVER BEEN PLOWED. WITH MILLIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS DYING OF STARVATION EVERY MONTH, SURELY A FEW OF THE UNEMPLOYED COULD BE PUT TO WORK, WITHIN A MATTER OF WEEKS, AND BE GRADUALLY TAUGHT HOW TO PROVIDE FOOD FOR THEMSELVES AS WELL AS FOR THESE STARVING MILLIONS. The completion of great flood-control and reforestation projects, harbors, highways and air ports; the development of national parks; draining of swamps; and the building of gigantic irrigation systems to take water into the deserts that they might be converted into useful and beautiful spots for the profit and enjoyment of the human race, Would provide work for "hundreds of millions" of men and women for a period of "generations" yet to come. If you should doubt these statements, all that it is necessary? for you to do is to take the time to investigate the thousands of completed engineering plans of projects which are greatly needed by mankind and which—if undertaken—would provide permanent and constructive activity and employment during the entire lifetime of millions who are now looking forward to hopeless and endless years of idleness and unemployment. Instead these idle millions are filled—(as it has been planned that they should be)—with such "bitterness and hate" that, with but slight additional provocation, they may soon bring about revolutions which will make the "bloody years" of the French Revolution seem like a "children's fight at a Sunday-school picnic" in comparison. For such are the upheavals which are planned as a prologue to the war which is intended to result in the extermination of the world's educated and religious inhabitants, including also those who have been stirred to revolt, and who are to be merely a part of the "cannon fodder" they will be inflamed into creating out of the educated and religious peoples of our earth. The oft-repeated excuse that no great numbers of unemployed can ever be quickly placed in positions because of the fact that it would take months or years to plan and prepare the engineering studies, blue prints, and specifications for projects with which to keep them engaged, would be quickly dissipated if one were to take the time to glance over the "dust-covered" files of every city, state, and national government throughout the civilized world. Such files—"at this time"—contain completed engineering studies together with blue prints and fully checked specifications, of thousands of thoroughly practical and desirable projects; and most of which are greatly needed by the residents of the respective communities in which they are located. These various engineering studies have been completed—year after year—at a cost (calculated on a worldwide basis) of "thousands of millions of dollars" of taxpayers' money,—by the duly elected or politically appointed representatives of the people, during periods of their respective administrations. However, before they could establish the necessary budgets with which to buy materials and hire men for the purposes of actual construction—(as they have invariably told us)—these representatives have been voted out of office and new ones, with an entirely "different" group of constituents to please, have started new engineering studies for "entirely different projects" in accordance with promises made to the voters who placed them in office. The principal reason that these countless thousands of projects have never gotten past the "blue print and specification stage," is traceable to the fact that the majority of the people's political representatives "never actually intended to complete them at all," but only "promised" to do so in order that they might thereby win the necessary votes to put themselves into office. Nevertheless, these completed engineering studies are "instantly available" at any time the public demands their use. WHENEVER THE "INTELLIGENT" MEN AND WOMEN WHO CONSTITUTE THE WILLING WORKERS AND CONSTRUCTIVE THINKERS OF THE WORLD, "DEMAND" THAT ALL ABLE-BODIED UNEMPLOYED ADULTS BE IMMEDIATELY PROVIDED WITH PERMANENT POSITIONS, AND WHENEVER THEY ESTABLISH "COMMERCIAL FACILITIES"—INSTEAD OF "POLITICAL ONES"—THROUGH WHICH TO "ENFORCE" THEIR DEMANDS, THEN—AND ONLY THEN—WILL THERE BE NEITHER HUNGRY NOR UNEMPLOYED HUMAN BEINGS ON OUR EARTH. During one of our Research Department's extensive investigations in China, Japan, and certain countries in Europe, it was discovered that a force of over one hundred million (100,000,000) gardeners,—(whose ancestry comes from those who have for centuries lived close to the soil and know and love plant life),—could—within a period of a matter of weeks—be formed into an organization whose members would consent to live in any part of the world or travel to any point to which they might be sent, and who would gladly spend the remaining years of their lives working as gardeners in exchange for no other salary or remuneration than that consisting of the coarsest kinds of food, and the plainest, roughest kind of clothing. And the only homes they ask for are tents or plain board huts. IF ANYONE WOULD GUARANTEE TO FEED THESE PEOPLE AND CONSEQUENTLY QUIET THEIR FEAR OF "STARVATION," THEY WOULD WILLINGLY WORK 16 TO 18 HOURS PER DAY, AND FOR NO MORE REMUNERATION THAN JUST BARELY ENOUGH TO EAT. WITH THE WORLD'S CIVILIZED (?) NATIONS DESTROYING ALMOST "UNLIMITED" QUANTITIES OF FOOD EACH YEAR, DOES NOT SUCH A PITIABLE CONDITION SEEM AT LEAST "SLIGHTLY" UNJUSTIFIABLE? In fact, we could almost wish that each of our readers had experienced just a few days of "hopeless poverty" and "ceaseless hunger," in order that each one who reads this statement might thereby be capable of fully appreciating the tragedy of a condition of thought which would cause human beings to offer to "sell" themselves as slaves—(for the duration of their lifetime here on earth)—to anyone who would guarantee them just enough food to keep from "starving to d**h." Can you picture the endless miles of beautiful parks and tree-lined highways; the thousands of little artificial lakes and man-made streams—in otherwise arid sections; the playgrounds, athletic fields and recreation centers, which would provide opportunity for the constructive and happy use of leisure hours, if all of the world's "hungry" people were employed for the purpose of producing such results? These advantages could be made readily available for the people of every land, through the activities of a permanent force of one hundred million (100,000,000) men and women trained to design, develop, and permanently maintain thousands of great parks and recreation centers as a protection against the ugliness and lack of beauty which now exist in so many of the world's great cities. The drab and frequently filthy—as well as colorless—immediate environment and surroundings endured by the majority of the earth's inhabitants, have done much throughout the centuries to warp and distort the minds of men. INASMUCH A S MANKIND'S EXECUTIVE TALENTS WERE QUITE ABLE TO EFFICIENTLY DIRECT AN ARMY OF OVER SIXTY-FIVE MILLION (65,000,000) MEN—ENGAGED IN THE TASK OF "SLAUGHTERING" ONE ANOTHER DURING THE LAST WORLD WAR—SURELY NO ONE CAN QUESTION THE ABILITY OF THE WORLD'S EXECUTIVES TO EFFICIENTLY DIRECT THE ACTIVITIES OF ONE HUNDRED MILLION (100,000,000) MEN AND WOMEN WHO WILL BE ENGAGED IN THE PEACEFUL TASK OF TURNING OUR WORLD INTO A PARADISE OF BEAUTIFUL PARKS. Knowing the readiness with which our planet could be made to produce an abundance of food for all mankind, our Sponsors have planned—and will recommend to the Universal Service Corporation—that a standing force of not less than one hundred million (100,000,000) men and women landscape architects and gardeners be maintained as a permanent branch of said corporation's activities. Knowing that such workers will receive the same educational benefits and compensation as any other group of employees, and that they will not be required to work any more than the usual 4 hours per day, 4 days a week or over 8 months each year, is it not indeed an inspiring vision—"and an ambition worthy of intelligent creatures"—to contemplate providing such employment for the tens of millions of broken-spirited, fear-filled human beings who now ask no more from life than merely "enough food" to keep from dying? IT IS TO THOSE WHO THINK THAT SUCH AN AMBITION IS WORTHY OF FULFILLMENT, AND THAT SUCH PLANS FOR THE HAPPINESS OF THE HUMAN RACE JUSTIFY THEIR COOPERATION, THAT WE EXTEND THIS INVITATION TO LEARN OF THE DISCOVERIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF UNIVERSAL RESEARCH AND ADMINISTRATION. Yes; our Research Department is well prepared to prove to the clear-thinking men and women of our generation, that every unemployed human being in every civilized nation on our earth, can be placed in permanent positions "at any time" within a period of but a few months—and at the rate of over two million (2,000,000) people per week—starting one month after The Universal Service Corporation has been voted into existence. When the members of our audience of two hundred million (200,000,000) people have agreed to unite and direct their buying power through what will then be their own mutually and equally owned business facilities, they will have a combined influence of over "one thousand million ($1000,000,000) dollars" per day with which to back up their united demand that "permanent" positions be "immediately" provided for all unemployed. THERE WILL BE NO OCCASION FOR THEM HESITATING TO TAKE SUCH ACTION, INASMUCH AS THEY WILL ALL RECEIVE "EQUAL" BENEFITS THEREFROM. EACH OWNER OF SAID CORPORATION WILL HAVE AN "EQUAL" VOTE IN ITS MANAGEMENT, AND WILL BE OBLIGED TO CAST HIS VOTE ON ALL MATTERS REQUIRING SUCH ACTION; NOR WILL HE BE PERMITTED TO RETAIN HIS OWNERSHIP THEREIN UNLESS HE TAKES THE TIME TO ATTEND ALL REGULAR AND SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETINGS OF HIS LOCAL BRANCH OF THE CORPORATION, IN ORDER THAT HE MAY PERSONALLY UNDERSTAND ITS ACTIVITIES AND INTELLIGENTLY VOTE WHEN CALLED UPON TO DO SO. THERE WILL BE NO VOTES BY "PROXY" AND THEREFORE NO OPPORTUNITY FOR ANY "INDIVIDUAL" OR "MINORITY GROUP" TO USE THE BUSINESS FACILITIES OF THE CORPORATION FOR THEIR OWN SELFISH ENDS. Although the majority of the citizens of many countries regularly vote on the various political issues presented to them, the fact still remains that they are seldom allowed to "actually understand" the issues upon which they vote; and not "one" out of ten thousand of them—at any time—"really knows" what is "actually taking place" on the inside of the world's constantly changing political administrations. The public is therefore readily "duped" into supporting many projects which have been cunningly conceived for purposes directly the reverse of those for which people thought they were voting. Compulsory attendance at the respective local branch-business meetings of The Universal Service Corporation will be for the purpose of permanently preventing its owners from "unknowingly" consenting to activities of which they may not approve. In due course of time, through the avenues of radio and television equipment placed in each home throughout the world, such business meetings will be conducted from one central point, and each owner of The Universal Service Corporation will be able to vote his acceptance or rejection of the various measures presented to him, right from his own home . . . Through mechanical facilities—which have already been perfected—he will be able to vote by writing his signature and membership number with the use of an electrical device which will enable such information to be instantly recorded in the statistical department of the Corporation's International Headquarters. In other words, at that time it will no longer be necessary for a member to leave his home in order to attend the Corporation's business meetings, or act upon the various measures requiring his vote. Such measures will be described a number of times during each twenty-four hours, until all of the members have had an opportunity to cast their votes. * The "universal language"—which will be internationally understood by the world's intelligent and educated citizens within less than twelve months after the formation of The Universal Service Corporation—will greatly simplify such activities. Within less than ten years, said "universal language" will be understood and readily used by every civilized man and woman on our earth, for even at this time its principal features are regularly used by well over three hundred million (300,000,000) educated people. Through a system of "constant rotation in office," in terms of from one to a maximum of three years, a large percentage of the world-wide membership of the Corporation will be given the opportunity of occupying various official positions at the Corporation's International Headquarters and consequently—from first hand observation—will be well qualified to vote intelligently upon matters requiring an expression of their judgment. IN ORDER THAT "TRUE EQUALITY" AND "JUSTICE" MAY PREVAIL,—"ROTATION IN OFFICE" WILL CONSTITUTE THE PERMANENT AND UNALTERABLE POLICY OF THIS GREAT CO-OPERATIVELY OWNED SERVICE CORPORATION. Its charter will contain specific provisions prohibiting any one, either now or ever in the future, from owning more than one share of its value—from having more than one vote in its management—or from holding an office or occupying any "one" position for a period of over "one" year without the written consent of 80% of the employees directly under such a one's supervision, and in no event, nor under any circumstances whatsoever, over three years. An executive who is not capable of training his immediate a**istant to a**ume higher responsibilities within not to exceed a three-year period—in order that he himself may be free to advance into broader fields of activity—will not possess the qualifications which our charter will require of its executives. No employee will be permitted to occupy a position without first agreeing to strive to advance in accordance with such a one's proven qualifications. When one has proven that he possesses the qualifications and the necessary proficiency to occupy an advanced position over the one he is already filling,—and has a**isted his immediate understudy to gain the necessary training for the position he desires to leave,—an opportunity for such advancement will constantly be made available in periods of from one to not over three years' time. In other words all employees, from those occupying the most lowly positions to those who will constitute The Universal Service Corporation's Executive Board, will each be helped to progress in accordance with such employee's respective abilities, and without having to wait for some one in an advanced position either to die—or voluntarily retire—after possibly having obstructed the progress and deserved advancement of numerous other worthy employees for fifteen or twenty years, as they now do under our present economic ("lack of") system. Unlimited opportunities for study and self-improvement will be made available to all employees, and there will be no need for anyone being obliged to engage in activities for which one may possess neither the natural aptitude nor the potential qualifications. When it is discovered that an employee seems incapable of advancing in a department, in which said employee may be active, immediate and highly specialized a**istance will be provided to enable such a "misfit"—or dissatisfied employee—to find the type of work for which he or she may possess the requisite qualifications. The "Personnel" department of the Corporation will be so conducted that neither the factors of favoritism nor family relationship will enter into the selection of employees for the most highly-prized or desired positions, nor for those of lesser importance. Civil Service examinations and numerous practical tests—conducted by recognized authorities and qualified experts—will be made available for those desiring positions with The Universal Service Corporation. A SUITABLE AND DESIRABLE POSITION WILL BE GUARANTEED TO EVERY ABLE-BODIED MAN OR WOMAN IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD, IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE, COLOR, CLASS, RELIGION, EDUCATION, TRAINING OR ABILITY. Although the standard wage scale for all workers, from the lowest to the highest positions, will be calculated at three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars per year each—during the initial stage of the Corporation's existence—it will—however—be gradually increased until within a period of approximately ten years, the Corporation's productive capacity will enable it to distribute approximately thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars per year, of the various necessities and luxuries of human life, to every man or woman throughout the world. Under the proposed new economic system there will be neither creditors nor debtors to keep human beings in bondage to one another, nor to despoil one's life of the natural heritage of freedom and peace. The temptation to endanger one's future happiness by overdrawing one's credit will be prevented, not only through the adoption of a type of currency which only the individual earning or directly receiving it from the Corporation can spend or use, but also through a provision of the Corporation's charter which will prevent any of its employees and owners from ever exceeding their respective allotments of its products. Inasmuch as The Universal Service Corporation will be the only producing and distributing business establishment with which the public will finally be dealing, the exact amounts of credit due each of the earth's inhabitants will always be readily available. Instead of having to refer to the books of many smaller business establishments, in order to determine the amount of unused credit, there will be but "one" bookkeeping account to be taken into consideration and, therefore, but slight opportunity of anyone ever misusing or overdrawing credit.
WHEN THERE IS NO LONGER ANY "FEAR" OR "WORRY" OVER PROBLEMS OF EMPLOYMENT OR INCOME, AND WHEN—ALTHOUGH PEOPLE MAY PURCHASE WHATEVER THEY MAY INDIVIDUALLY DESIRE TO POSSESS—THERE IS NOT ONLY AN ASSURED, BUT ALSO AN "EQUAL" INCOME FOR ALL,—AND WHEN HUMAN BEINGS CONSEQUENTLY HAVE LESS "JEALOUSY, ENVY OR HATE" IN THEIR HEARTS TOWARDS ONE ANOTHER,—WE WILL FIND THAT MOST OF THE "PHYSICAL" AILMENTS OF THE HUMAN RACE WILL ALSO SUDDENLY DISAPPEAR LIKE BANKS OF FOG BEFORE THE RAYS OF THE SUN. MANY OF THE WORLD'S LEADING DOCTORS AND HEALTH SPECIALISTS HAVE IN RECENT YEARS AGREED WITH THE WORLD'S PROMINENT METAPHYSICIANS, THAT NEARLY "ALL" OF MAN'S PHYSICAL AILMENTS AND DISEASES ARE "DIRECTLY" TRACEABLE,—NOT ALONE TO WHAT MEN CALL UNCLEAN THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS, OR TO UNSANITARY CONDITIONS OF HUMAN LIFE,—BUT EQUALLY—"IF NOT EVEN PRIMARILY"—TO THE QUALITIES OF WORRY, FEAR, JEALOUSY, ENVY, HATE, GREED, SELFISHNESS AND FALSE PRIDE, WHICH HAVE FOR SO MANY CENTURIES CEASELESSLY HARASSED AND TORN DOWN THE HARMONY OF MANKIND'S THOUGHTS, AS WELL AS THE HARMONY OF THEIR ACTIONS. When one observes how the effect of "fear"—"ENTIRELY A MENTAL QUALITY"—causes the blood to "instantly" drain from one's face and causes it to turn almost white;—and then again—when one's thoughts are suddenly filled with "anger or hate"—to observe the blood surge to one's face until its shade of color turns from deep red to almost a purplish tint—"AND THIS CONDITION ALSO CAUSED ENTIRELY BY THOUGHT"—it is not difficult to visualize the extreme action and strain to which the numerous delicately-balanced organs of the body must be subjected before they can cause such effects to appear. When one contemplates the ceaseless tension and strain caused by men's endless fears and worries,—and the constant jealousy, envy, bitterness, hate, greed and selfishness to which our present economic system of injustice and inequality constantly subjects the thoughts—and consequently the bodily functionings of men—it is not hard to understand the cause of most of mankind's physical ailments. It is not difficult to envisage the early appearance of a race of clean-thinking, clean-living, wholesome, happy men and women—and fearlessly joyous little children—soon after a "written guarantee" of economic security and equality is placed in the hands of each of the inhabitants of our world; a "lifelong guarantee" signed by the secretary and treasurer of The Universal Service Corporation which will—(with its initial capital of over twenty billions of dollars ($20,000,000,000.00), and the united backing of approximately two hundred million (200,000,000) of the world's most intelligent and industrious citizens)—be quite capable of fulfilling its promises and guarantees. THROUGH NO OTHER MEANS THAN THAT OF "GUARANTEED FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE" AND "ABSOLUTE ECONOMIC EQUALITY" CAN MANKIND HOPE TO FIND EITHER "HEALTH," "PEACE," "SECURITY" OR "HAPPINESS." In addition to the benefits just described, mankind's acceptance of our Research Department's recommendations will also make possible the priceless a**urance of "ample leisure" for all. The only arbitrary work requirement, applying to all employees, will consist of a minimum working schedule of not less than 4 hours a day, 4 days each week, during 8 months of each year. At the conclusion of twenty (20) years an employee will be privileged to permanently retire from routine duties if he so desires and yet will receive his or her share of the Corporation's products, services, and benefits for the duration of his or her lifetime. However, all employees will be privileged to earn retirement within a period of only ten (10) years, provided they are willing to work 8 hours a day, 4 days each week, during 8 months of each of said ten (10) years. FARMERS AND OTHERS,—WHO ARE OBLIGED—"UNDER OUR PRESENT ECONOMIC SYSTEM"—TO WORK FROM BEFORE DAYLIGHT IN THE MORNINGS UNTIL AFTER DARK EACH NIGHT IN ORDER TO EARN A LIVING,—MAY BE TEMPTED TO BELIEVE THAT A FOUR (4)-HOUR WORK DAY COULD NEVER SUCCESSFULLY BE BROUGHT TO PASS. HOWEVER, IF THEY WILL BEAR IN MIND THE FACT THAT FROM "FOUR TO FIVE" MEN OR WOMEN WILL BE HELPING TO PERFORM THE TASKS NOW EXPECTED OF ONLY "ONE" PERSON, AND IF SUCH OF OUR READERS WILL ALSO BEAR IN MIND THE FACT THAT THE "FINEST MACHINERY" AND "LATEST MECHANICAL INVENTIONS" WILL BE USED TO REPLACE MOST OF THE LABORIOUS DRUDGERY OF PRESENT-DAY METHODS, IT SHOULD NOT BE DIFFICULT TO VISUALIZE THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF NOT ONLY AS LARGE BUT AN INFINITELY LARGER VOLUME OF PRODUCTION THAN HAS EVER BEFORE BEEN ACHIEVED, "AND WITH NO ONE REQUIRED TO WORK OVER FOUR (4) HOURS PER DAY." In addition to the previously mentioned pensions, there will also be provided a pension benefit consisting of an equal share of the Corporation's products and services for all men or women who are—or who may become—incapacitated and unable to work. Also similar pension benefits for all men and women over sixty years of age—(or over fifty years of age, after the Corporation has been in existence for ten years)—and for those of fifty years of age, or over, who a**ist in its formation at this time. All men and women within these cla**ifications-who may desire to retire from routine duties and devote the remaining years of their lives to study, travel or leisure—will be granted pensions of not less than three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars per year. WHEN WE THINK OF THE ELDERLY PEOPLE WHO ARE FREQUENTLY UNWANTED—AND BUT SELDOM LOVINGLY CARED FOR—THESE PENSION FEATURES OF OUR CORPORATION'S CHARTER WOULD OF THEMSELVES BE SUFFICIENT TO FULLY JUSTIFY THE UNITED ACTIONS OF THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE TOWARDS THE IMMEDIATE ESTABLISHMENT OF "THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE CORPORATION." Each employee of the Corporation will be allowed three (3) days each week, and four (4) entire months each year of vacation time. All workers will have their choice of receiving one month out of each three—two consecutive months out of each six—three consecutive months out of each nine—or a four (4) months' vacation at the conclusion of each eight (8) months of continuous work, in accordance with the daily and weekly schedules previously described. All employees will be entitled to "free transportation" during vacations—(subject to reasonable rules and regulations)—to any part of the civilized world which is now or may in the future be made accessible by regular rail, steamship or air lines. Such unrestricted and free world-wide travel will quickly remove the "racial antagonisms" which result from mankind's lack of familiarity with—and consequent inability to understand—one another's customs and habits. Such a lack of understanding has cast the human race into endless wars and for countless centuries has prevented the "BROTHERHOOD OF MAN" from becoming an actuality. IN ORDER THAT THESE "ENTIRELY UNWARRANTED ANTAGONISMS" MAY BE QUICKLY HEALED, FREE TRANSPORTATION DURING THE CORPORATION'S GENEROUS VACATION PERIODS WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL, AND NO ONE WILL BE CONSIDERED "EVEN PARTLY EDUCATED" UNTIL HE HAS PERSONALLY VISITED THE MAJOR NATIONS AND OUTSTANDINGLY INTERESTING PARTS OF OUR INDESCRIBABLY BEAUTIFUL WORLD HOME. For fear that men might travel and thereby learn of the world's inexhaustible resources,—and that the people of foreign nations are neither murderers nor enemies against whom we must defend ourselves by building vast armaments,—those in charge of the world's governments and its basic economic structure—("through their control of its resources")—have been able to guard against any great number of men or women ever being allowed the privilege of more than one or two weeks of leisure time—"or vacations with pay"—each year. AND THOSE WHO ARE NOW ALLOWED VACATIONS, HAVE USUALLY HAD THEIR MENTAL AND PHYSICAL ENERGIES SO DEPLETED PRIOR THERETO, THAT THEIR PRINCIPAL DESIRE IS TO REST AND SLEEP DURING MOST OF THEIR LEISURE HOURS, OR TO SEEK SOME LIGHT FORM OF AMUSEMENT. Inasmuch as one of the major objectives of The Universal Service Corporation will be to "melt away"—(instead of to create)—misunderstandings among the various nationalities and cla**es of human beings, "free" worldwide travel will not only be granted to the Corporation's employees during their vacation periods, but will also be a "compulsory requirement" of the Corporation's educational system for all young men and women under eighteen years of age. If there are those who may believe that men and women would either get into "mischief" or become "bored" with life, if they were allowed as much vacation time as Our Sponsors have guaranteed to provide,—we beg to remind them of their own earlier dreams, and the yearnings which once filled their hearts with a desire that they might have both the financial means and leisure time, as well as the educational opportunities, with which to develop the natural talents and special capabilities with which they believed themselves to be endowed. IF ALL PEOPLE WERE ASSURED OF ADEQUATE FINANCIAL INCOME, FREE EDUCATIONAL AND TRAVEL PRIVILEGES, TOGETHER WITH REGULAR PERIODS OF LEISURE, THERE WOULD ONLY BE A FEW OUT OF EACH THOUSAND OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION WHO WOULD NOT MAKE "CONSTRUCTIVE" AND "WHOLESOME" USE OF SUCH LEISURE HOURS AND GENEROUS VACATIONS. Through the construction of thousands of beautiful parks, athletic fields, playgrounds and recreation centers, limitless opportunities will be provided by the Corporation for the development of clean, wholesome and—consequently—"healthy" habits of thought and action. We again repeat that if there were no other justification for the establishment of the Universal Service Corporation—recommended by our research department—than the influence which this feature of its program will have upon the formation of "much needed qualities of character," it would warrant the whole-hearted support and co-operation of every clean-thinking, intelligent man and woman in our world today. Do you know of any "real" fundamental reason why men and women should not be allowed to use at least "one third" of each year to do with as they might desire? It is now possible for any one, if properly equipped with suitable machinery and mechanical appliances, to produce as much during a four-hour work day as our ancestors did by working sixteen hours or more per day. Then why do most people spend eleven and one-half months out of every twelve—and literally all of their daylight hours—working just for food, clothes, shelter and a possible two weeks' vacation out of each year, which our present system of greed and selfishness generously (?) permits them to call their own? IS IT NOT BECAUSE THE MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS AND MARVELOUS INVENTIONS OF OUR GENERATION—WHICH SHOULD HAVE MEANT SECURITY, FREEDOM, AND LEISURE "TO THE ENTIRE HUMAN FAMILY"—ARE CONTROLLED BY "A FEW" AND USED PRIMARILY FOR ACQUIRING EXCESSIVE LUXURIES AND FABULOUS WEALTH FOR THE FAMILIES AND IMMEDIATE FRIENDS OF "THOSE FEW," INSTEAD OF FOR THE WELFARE AND HAPPINESS OF ALL? Are we justified, however, in blaming the majority of people who take advantage of the world's competitive private profit system for their own personal gain, (and with but little—if any consideration for others,) when it is more than likely that many of those who read this book would gladly—"and quite naturally"—accept and fully enjoy an opportunity for the accumulation of a large amount of wealth themselves? No, we most certainly are not justified in blaming them unless we are willing to raise our voices in protest against an economic system which makes such injustices possible, and such exercise of greed seemingly necessary and desirable. The privileges of greed and selfishness can no longer be allowed to exist, since they result in ninety-seven out of every one hundred inhabitants of our earth, being inevitably forced to go through life living solely for the purpose of providing "dissipations" or "excessive luxuries" for the other three inhabitants, who—as a result in the majority of instances—are turned into swinish, self-centered, dissipated, depraved human beings. . . . Poor abnormal—unbalanced mortals, who would be healthier, happier and much more satisfied with life, through much more "constructive self-expression," and much, much less "destructive self-indulgence." NEVER IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY HAS MAN HAD SO MANY MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND FACILITIES, TOGETHER WITH SUCH LIMITLESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR FINDING HAPPINESS. AUTOMOBILES, AIRPLANES, RADIO AND TELEVISION HAVE NOW MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR EACH MEMBER OF THE HUMAN RACE TO ENJOY THE RESOURCES AND BEAUTIES—NOT OF JUST ONE, BUT OF ALL THE WORLD'S NATIONS—AND TO CONSIDER NOT JUST ONE LOCALITY OR COMMUNITY AS HIS HOME, BUT THE "ENTIRE WORLD" WITH ALL THAT IS THEREIN AS "HIS GREAT ESTATE." ARE WE GOING TO REMAIN IN BONDAGE TO A HANDFUL OF "DEPRAVED MANIACS," WHO THINK THEY HAVE BEEN "DIVINELY ORDAINED" TO OWN OUR WORLD AND DOMINATE ITS INHABITANTS? ARE WE GOING TO LET THEM STEAL THE FRUITAGE OF THE PAST THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF HUMAN PROGRESS WITH ANOTHER OF THEIR DEMONIACALLY PLANNED DEVASTATING WARS, AND SUBMIT TO AN ERA OF UNCONTROLLABLE SLAUGHTER AND INDESCRIBABLE HORROR, MERELY TO SATISFY THEIR INSANE AMBITION TO "OWN THE EARTH" AND TO ENSLAVE ITS INHABITANTS? The world's Hidden Rulers have no fear of the actions of many "little groups"—or even a few "very large ones"—(led either by sincere but frequently inadequately informed men or women or by those who seek the glorification of their own personalities.)—The only power of which these subversive forces have even the slightest fear, is the power of "Brotherly Love" and "Unity of Purpose," exemplified by Christ Jesus' "Golden Rule," and acted upon by a great number of people at one time. No group with a financial force in back of them of less than the buying power of a minimum of "two hundred million (200,000,000) people," (which would aggregate a total of over one thousand million ($1000,000,000.00) dollars per day,) could ever exert sufficient influence to establish their own newspapers, their own food supply centers, their own farms and factories, and thereby make themselves not only financially independent of the "Money Changers," but also independently able to provide positions for the world's unemployed whom these Money Changers have thrown out of work and are now rapidly stirring up to revolution and hatred all over the world. The secret plans to bring about the overthrow of existing governments, and thereby more readily complete—(through the medium of Communism and Dictatorships)—the manufacture of the armaments and munitions of war which must be produced before the "Money Changers" can accomplish the consummation of their final plot, can only be thwarted by the co-operative and concerted "worldwide action" of not less than two hundred million (200,000,000) intelligent and unselfishly-motivated, courageous men and women. THE PEOPLE OF ANY "ONE" NATION, "IRRESPECTIVE OF ITS SIZE," CANNOT COMPETE WITH THE INFLUENCE OF THESE SUBVERSIVE FORCES. ONLY BY THE INTERNATIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF A TYPE OF CURRENCY BASED UPON SOME MEDIUM OTHER THAN "GOLD OR SILVER," CAN THE WEALTH AND CONSEQUENT POWER OF THE WORLD'S HIDDEN RULERS BE DESTROYED. AN ATTACK UPON A "WORLDWIDE" FRONT—(AND THROUGH THE AVENUE OF AN "ENTIRELY NEW TYPE OF MONEY" WHICH CAN ONLY BE USED BY THE PERSON TO WHOM IT HAS BEEN ISSUED)—CONSTITUTES "THE ONE AND ONLY METHOD" BY WHICH TO PREVENT A CIVILIZATION-DESTROYING WAR. With the establishment of a Universal Service Corporation which would have a strong enough membership to issue its own money, not only could all of the world's trained workers—who are now unemployed—be put to work within less than ninety days after the formation of such a corporation, but also the absolute and complete control of the principal food supplies of the earth could likewise be readily obtained by the Corporation through the influence of the vast combined buying power of its world-wide owners. With that accomplished, a new form of money could be immediately adopted which would soon make it impossible for the "Money Changers" or their "satellites" to buy even a loaf of bread with their "combined accumulations of gold and silver," or to provide their soldiers with food of any description. With complete and absolute control of the world's principal "food supplies," and with the. purchase of their own "broadcasting stations" and "newspapers," the 200,000,000 equal owners of The Universal Service Corporation will have but little trouble in bringing about a world-wide demand that the world's armies and navies be disbanded, and that the battleships and armaments of every nation be simultaneously taken to the deepest parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and there,—(through radio remotely-controlled explosives),—dynamited and blown to the bottom of the seas, where they will no longer menace our civilization. Previous to this simultaneous destruction of the world's entire armaments and munitions of warfare, and the disbanding of its armies and navies, the Corporation's owners—together with the citizens of the various nations—will have voted the establishment of a world-wide militia with which to maintain law and order, and with which to permanently prevent either revolutions or wars from ever again occurring on our earth. These military police reserves will supplement the then normal but constantly "diminishing" activities of national and local police forces. For a few years to come, "gold, silver and j**els" will retain a "vanity" and "artistic" value, also perhaps a "sentimental" and "souvenir" value;—but all of which will constantly diminish:—In fact, much more rapidly than one may imagine, once gold and silver are disa**ociated from the idea of money and are no longer used as a basis or medium of currency. Police departments will then soon find themselves dealing only with crimes of "sudden temper" or "emotion"—which constitute less than 10% of all present-day crime—and even such causes as these will have by that time largely disappeared. There being no need nor incentive to commit crimes for gain—in fact nothing to steal that one could not much more easily and safely earn—the police will find over 90% of their present activities completely eliminated. The criminals of the world will no longer be able to derive any profit from stealing either gold, silver or j**els, since all of the gold and silver on this planet won't then be able to buy them even a "loaf of bread," inasmuch as whatever is sold or purchased in any corner of the globe, will by that time be produced and distributed by "Mankind United" through their "World-Wide" Universal Service Corporation, for the "equal" benefit of all. WITH THE "PROFIT MOTIVE" GONE, THERE WILL BE BUT LITTLE CRIME!!! TO PERSONS READILY BEGUILED, THE COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA SUGGESTS THAT COMMUNISM IF ADOPTED WILL ELIMINATE CRIME. COMMUNISM IN RUSSIA HAS THUS FAR ELIMINATED RELIGION, MORALS AND THE SANCTITY OF MARITAL VOWS, BUT HAS YET TO DEMONSTRATE ANY APPRECIABLE CAPACITY TO ELIMINATE EITHER BRUTALITY, SELFISHNESS OR DISHONESTY. WITH THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE CORPORATION, THE LIVES OF MEN WILL NO LONGER BE ENDANGERED BY GREAT "COMMUNISTIC POLITICAL MACHINES;" POLITICAL MACHINES WHICH NOW FOSTER THE MOST "BRUTAL" OF INSTINCTS AND "CRIMINAL QUALITIES" OF MORTAL THOUGHT AND,—WITH THEIR PERPETUATION OF THE MONETARY SYSTEM OF "GOLD AND SILVER,"—ENCOURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN EVEN MORE INSIDIOUS TYPE OF RACKETEER AND CRIMINAL THAN THE MUCH—"BUT JUSTLY"—CONDEMNED PRIVATE PROFIT AND COMPETITIVE CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM, WHICH "THEY CLAIM" TO IMPROVE UPON. NO, THERE WILL BE NO REWARD FOR CRIME IN ANY DEPARTMENT OF THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF WHICH THE WORLD WILL BE INFORMED DURING OUR INSTITUTE'S INTERNATIONAL 30-DAY PROGRAM,—FOR A CRIMINAL WILL NEITHER BE ABLE TO SELL HIS STOLEN GOODS NOR TO BUY EVEN FOOD WITH MONEY STOLEN FROM ANOTHER,—AND WHICH HAS BEEN ISSUED TO—"AND CAN ONLY BE SPENT BY"—SUCH A ONE. IF THE CONCEPT OF HAVING THE WORLD'S "INTELLIGENTLY INDUSTRIOUS CITIZENS" ACQUIRE AND "COMPLETELY OWN" THE PRINCIPAL FOOD SUPPLIES AND OTHER RESOURCES OF OUR EARTH, SEEMS SOMEWHAT STARTLING TO YOUR THOUGHT, WE SUGGEST THAT YOU BEAR IN MIND THE FACT THAT "SOME GROUPS OF PEOPLE" ON OUR PLANET HAVE ALWAYS OWNED AND CONTROLLED SUCH RESOURCES. Why shouldn't the cla** of people who have always done the world's work, those who have made its great discoveries, developed its marvelous inventions, established its educational and religious institutions, and have always been responsible for whatever progress the human race may have enjoyed throughout the centuries,—take full charge of the tools and supplies with which they have produced the countless thousands of useful or desirable products mankind have enjoyed? Since the warehouse from which the human family have drawn their raw materials for the production of these useful requirements of life,—(namely, the earth's raw materials and resources),—has had its doors closed and padlocked against them by the "greedy swinish qualities" of human thought possessed by a small group of people who have appointed themselves as "custodians of the key" to the inexhaustible resources within this warehouse, why shouldn't "those who mold and shape such materials for human use"—and "those for whom such products are prepared"—take charge of the "key" themselves, so that they can enter the warehouse at will and take out what the human family may need for its welfare or happiness? THE "KEY" TO WHICH WE REFER, IS CALLED THE "OWNERSHIP" OR "CONTROL" OF PROPERTY, RAW MATERIALS, ETC: FOR COUNTLESS THOUSANDS OF YEARS THIS "KEY" HAS ALWAYS BEEN HELD BY EITHER ONE OR THE OTHER OF ONLY "TWO" CLASSES OR GROUPS OF OUR WORLD'S INHABITANTS. The first group has consisted of those who have had the "gold and silver" with which to buy the ownership or title to such resources, after which they have usually stood guard over them like so many "dogs in a manger." Unable to use or sell even the smallest fractional part of the raw materials and resources which their century-old accumulations of gold and silver could purchase, they nevertheless have felt that since they owned the title,—(and had the money with which to coerce the various governments into creating laws and hiring soldiers to protect their title to such resources),—that there was no reason why they should let anyone else use them, unless the user first paid all of the profit to the title holder that he might desire to exact. These "world rulers" have stood idly by, with no other feelings than those of contemptuous amusement or an inflated concept of their own egotistical superiority, while tens of millions of other human beings die from starvation each year, and a majority of the remainder of the human race eke out an existence of privation and fear-filled years, century after century. The second group,—which has occasionally throughout the past few thousand years succeeded in getting possession of the key—("Ownership")—to the earth's raw materials and resources,—has been, (not some branch of the "fabulously wealthy cla**") but instead, those of the world's most downtrodden and poverty-stricken "lower cla**es," who have become so filled with bitterness and hate over their needless privations, that they have risen up in revolution and destroyed their masters. However, with many instances to draw upon, such as the French Revolution and—of more recent date—"Communistic Russia," we find their control of a country's resources is invariably accompanied with a rule of even "greater brutality," "selfishness and greed," than that expressed by their former wealthy masters. THROUGHOUT COUNTLESS CENTURIES OF GOVERNMENT,—(BY THOSE OF EITHER THE "VERY POOR" OR THE "VERY RICH" DIVISIONS OF THE HUMAN RACE), THOSE WHOM THE WORLD CALLS ITS "MIDDLE CLASSES" OF INHABITANTS, HAVE CONTINUOUSLY BEEN DOING "LITERALLY ALL" OF THE WORLD'S CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING AND PRACTICALLY ALL OF ITS WORK. They have—century after century—. built up its educational, religious and humanitarian institutions, and brought about its priceless discoveries in the numerous fields of research, together with the discovery and development of literally all of its marvelous mechanical inventions. This "middle cla**," composed—at this time—of those to whom we have herein referred as the "educated and religious groups," have "invariably" been much too busy performing tasks of constructive productive value, to pay any very great amount of attention either to the world's fundamental economic problems or its political departments. HAVING BEEN "MUCH TOO BUSY" TO TAKE THE TIME TO LEARN "WHAT HAS BEEN ACTUALLY GOING ON" IN THE POLITICAL LIFE OF THEIR RESPECTIVE COUNTRIES, THEY HAVE BEEN CONSTANTLY "USED" BY EACH OF THEIR VARIOUS POLITICAL ADMINISTRATIONS—FIRST BY ONE, THEN BY THE OTHER OF THE "TWO" GROUPS ABOVE DESCRIBED. IF THEY HAVE NOT ALWAYS BEEN "WILLING SLAVES" AT LEAST THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN "INDUSTRIOUS" ONES. ALWAYS HAS THIS "MIDDLE CLASS" BEEN TOO "INDUSTRIOUSLY BUSY" PERFORMING LIFE'S CONSTRUCTIVE TASKS—AND TRYING TO BRING HAPPINESS TO THEIR FAMILIES—TO TAKE PART IN THE WORLD'S GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES. The Sponsors of The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration believed that the "middle cla**es" of people (who have always constituted "the backbone of every nation") had been held in bondage throughout the centuries, primarily because of the fact that they had been "penny wise" and "pound foolish" in devoting their full time to performing the world's work, and in taking so little time for ascertaining the reasons for their ceaseless bondage to the endless hard laborious tasks which never seemed to get the majority of them beyond the point in life from whence they had started. Through this neglect—of their own basic best interests—the "middle cla**" inhabitants of our earth have repeatedly permitted the fruitage of their centuries of tireless efforts to be destroyed through revolutions and wars planned for the profit or advancement of either one or the other of the afore-mentioned "wealthy" or "poverty-stricken" groups. Our Sponsors believe that the control—("ownership")—of the earth's resources,—in other words "the key" to its well-filled warehouses of raw materials,—should be taken over by the intelligently industrious "middle cla**es" of the world's present population. As soon as the "wealthy" and also the "poverty-stricken" groups have been taught how to perform their share of the world's work—and are willing to do so—then the finished products of such resources, should be divided "equally" through "mutual" and "equal" ownership of a great Universal Service Corporation—"co-operatively owned and managed"—and with every man and woman on our earth entitled to his or her "equal" share of its products, and proportionate control and direction of its policies and management,—subject only to their acceptance and support of the provisions of its charter. OUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT STANDS READY TO PROVE THAT TWO HUNDRED MILLION (200,000,000) PEOPLE,—"ACTING SIMULTANEOUSLY" AS A GREAT WORLD-WIDE ORGANIZATION OF MEN AND WOMEN WILLING TO MEET ON THE COMMON GROUND OF THEIR DESIRE TO ENJOY "LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS," UNHAMPERED BY POVERTY, WAR OR RUMORS OF WAR,—CAN SUPPLY PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR ALL OF THE WORLD'S UNEMPLOYED—AS WELL AS FOR THEMSELVES—AND CAN, "WITHIN LESS THAN ONE YEAR," BRING ABOUT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A UNIVERSAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM WHICH WILL MAKE THE RECURRENCE ON OUR PLANET OF EITHER "WAR" OR "POVERTY"—AN UTTER IMPOSSIBILITY.