CHAPTER XIX. CHRISTIANS OF THE WORLD! HAVE YOU THE COURAGE TO ACCEPT OUR INVITATION ? This book has been published and copyrighted in the United States of America,—not because there is no other country which grants its people the privilege of free speech or a**embly, nor because of the fact that the world's subversive influences are any less aggressive here than in any other liberty-loving nation, nor because the people of America are any more "enlightened" or any less "bigoted" than the citizens of any other country,—but solely because of the fact that, throughout recent generations, millions of people from all of the world's great nations have settled in America. Therefore, our message can be quickly placed in the hands of millions of men and women who not only understand the world's various major languages, but also understand the customs of its many cla**es of inhabitants, and consequently through them it will quickly spread to all parts of the civilized world. Here in America, the Sponsors of The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration have found millions of right-thinking, clean-living, high-principled men and women of each of the great nations;—men and women whom they are now inviting to participate in the establishment of an economic system based upon "Practical Idealism," instead of the "Jungle Law" of selfishness and "brute force." CHRIST JESUS TAUGHT THAT "THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN"—THE PROMISED LAND—WAS "HERE AT HAND," AND READY TO BE FULLY ENJOYED ANY TIME THAT MEN WERE WILLING TO LIVE IN OBEDIENCE TO HIS TEACHINGS AND PRECEPTS. "CHRISTIANS OF THE WORLD!"—ARE YOU READY TO START "LIVING" AS WELL AS "PREACHING" THOSE PRECEPTS? ARE YOU WILLING "TO LIVE AND TO LET LIVE" AND NOT JUST TALK ABOUT IT??? The Universal Service Corporation—the formation of which will be brought to pa** during our Research Department's 30-day program—will constitute a sturdy beginning towards the building of a great and beautiful world-wide estate and universal home for all mankind, with spacious living quarters, delightful gardens, security, opportunity, leisure, smiles, laughter and limitless happiness, to be equally shared and enjoyed in a great and true brotherhood of man: A brotherhood not in name alone, nor as an insidious and subtly planned ensnaring counterfeit—such as is now being offered to the world under the names of "Communism" and "Dictatorships"—but instead, the highest human concept of the divine idea of "the brotherhood of man," a brotherhood built upon the solid foundation of Christ Jesus' "Golden Rule;"—"ABSOLUTE ECONOMIC EQUALITY" IN "FACT" AS WELL AS IN "THEORY." Again we remind you, that it has been most truly stated:—"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in ever-lasting ignorance; THIS PRINCIPLE IS 'CONTEMPT' PRIOR TO EXAMINATION." * Inasmuch as the only favor we ask of the world's un-bigoted and enlightened men and women, is that they will a**ist us in forming our audience—(through the circulation of this book)—in order that the Research Department of The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration may safely present its proofs,—and since our requisite audience of 200,000,000 people can readily be formed within a matter of but a few months—(if those of you who constitute the world's "independent," "right-thinking inhabitants" will help us to accomplish this result)—we feel justified in inviting your co-operation. In order that the oft-repeated statement—"it can't be done"—may be refuted, we have prepared a chart to indicate just how readily—"it could be done"—if each one who hears of our movement, will spend just a few minutes to "pa** the word along," by placing as many copies of this book in circulation as his time will permit. Recognizing the fact that many human beings are largely controlled by habits of apathy and procrastination, we cannot logically expect more than a moderate percentage of the result indicated on said chart, and therefore those of you who have recognized the importance of this movement, must work just so much more zealously if the formation of our audience is to be quickly brought to pa**. HOWEVER, THE CHART IRREFUTABLY PROVES THAT "IT CAN BE DONE." The following chart will indicate to you the possible far-reaching effect of your influence provided that—when you have finished reading "Mankind United"—you will then order "four" copies of this book and—within 24 hours after their receipt—invite "four" of your acquaintances to read them, and request that they mail an acknowledgment of having done so—"together with their respective orders for 'four' copies thereof"—in accordance with the instructions on the last page of this volume. If they in turn invite "four" of their acquaintances—within not to exceed "three" days thereafter—to similarly co-operate, and each group does likewise, you will observe from the chart the possible far-reaching effect of the influence of just—"one"—person constructively directed in such a manner: IF ALL WHO READ THIS BOOK WOULD COOPERATE TO THE EXTENT OF PLACING JUST "FOUR" COPIES THEREOF IN CIRCULATION, NO ONE WOULD NEED TO DO MORE THAN THIS, AND YET A WORLD-WIDE ORGANIZATION SUFFICIENTLY POWERFUL TO ACCOMPLISH THE RESULTS WE HAVE DESCRIBED HEREIN, COULD THEN BE FORMED WITHIN LESS THAN FOUR (4) MONTHS' TIME. Estimating "one" week for mailing—or other losses of time—to enable each one who reads "Mankind United" to order "four" copies thereof and place them in circulation by lending them to "four" of his acquaintances, we will now a**ume that "two" weeks have elapsed since you obtained your first four copies and invited four of your acquaintances to do likewise. You will have thereby made it possible for a total of twenty (20) people to read "Mankind United" and to place their orders for copies thereof—within a period of only "two" weeks—as the direct result of the "four" books you generously took time to place in circulation. FROM THIS LOWLY BEGINNING, THE CHART ON THE NEXT PAGE WILL PARTLY ILLUSTRATE THE POSSIBLE INFLUENCE OF YOUR GRACIOUS ACCEPTANCE OF OUR INVITATION UPON THE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF SUCH "UNSELFISHLY" MOTIVATED "UNITED EFFORT." FROM THIS LOWLY BEGINNING, THE CHART ON THE NEXT PAGE WILL PARTLY ILLUSTRATE THE POSSIBLE INFLUENCE OF YOUR GRACIOUS ACCEPTANCE OF OUR INVITATION UPON THE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF SUCH "UNSELFISHLY" MOTIVATED "UNITED EFFORT." [p. 286]() **THE CUMULATIVE POWER OF CO-OPERATION ** READ CHART FROM LEFT TO RIGHT The1stweek'stotalof 4 register4 peopleeachoratotalof 16 peoplebytheendof the2ndweek The2ndweek'stotalof 16 register4 „ 64 „ the3rdweek The3rdweek'stotalof 64 register4 „ 256 „ the4thweek The4thweek'stotalof 256 register4 „ 1,024 „ the5thweek The5thweek'stotalof 1,024 register4 „ 4,096 „ the6thweek The6thweek'stotalof 4,096 register4 „ 16,384 „ the7thweek The7thweek'stotalof 16,384 register4 „ 65,536 „ the8thweek The8thweek'stotalof 65,536 register4 „ 262,144 „ the9thweek The9thweek'stotalof 262,144 register4 „ 1,048,576 „ the10thweek The10thweek'stotalof 1,048,576 register4 „ 4,194,304 „ the11thweek The11thweek'stotalof 4,194,304 register4 „ 16,777,216 „ the12thweek The12thweek'stotalof 16,777,216 register4 „ 67,108,864 „ the13thweek The13thweek'stotalof 67,108,864 register4 „ 268,435,456 „ the14thweek The 14th week's total of 268,435,456 added to the rest is a sum total of 357,913,936 people who could—within less than four months' time—be invited to register their willingness to vote on the question of forming a Universal Service Corporation capable of guaranteeing individual as well as collective economic security for the entire human race. The above figures indicate how readily such a group can be a**embled and without undue hardship or sacrifice on the part of anyone. If you desire, together with the rest of the right-thinking people of this earth, to receive and vote upon the Institute's program, PLEASE DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST BY ORDERING FOUR COPIES OF THIS BOOK TODAY, AND INVITE AT LEAST FOUR OF YOUR FRIENDS TO DO LIKEWISE. Lincoln most wisely reminded the people of America, of a great Biblical Proverb (Matthew 12:25) when he stated:— "A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND" MANKIND "UNITED" MEANS MANKIND FOREVER "UNLIMITED" Help humanity to unite on the common ground of unselfed service to one another!!! It can quickly be done after 200 million intelligently industrious people combine their votes and DEMAND WORLD-WIDE PEACE AND SECURITY The following pages describe the vital importance of your immediate co-operation in obtaining these votes. Although the Communists, Fascists and War Mongers of this age have learned the secret of "undeviating singleness of purpose," the world must still wait for those of us who call ourselves its "Christians and Idealists," to learn the lesson of "courage" and "immovable convictions;"—for at the least sign of danger, opposition, ridicule, or criticism, we quickly withdraw our support from the activities which, (deep down in our hearts) we may have become fully convinced deserve our help. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THERE IS LESS LOVE OF FREEDOM THAN THERE IS OF SLAVERY, OR THAT THE CHRISTIANS OF THIS AGE HAVE LESS "CHARACTER" AND "COURAGE" THAN ATHEISTS OR HEATHENS? COMMUNISTS AND FASCISTS WILL DISCIPLINE AND EXERCISE THEIR BODIES—AS WELL AS THEIR MINDS—GIVE UP THEIR LEISURE HOURS, AND EVEN SACRIFICE THEIR "WEDDING RINGS," THAT SWORDS MIGHT THEREBY BE MADE—(WITH WHICH TO MUTILATE THEIR OWN SONS, HUSBANDS, FATHERS OR BROTHERS)—IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH AND ADVANCE THEIR MOVEMENTS;—BUT DURING THIS GENERATION THE WORLD HAS YET TO SEE THOSE OF US WHO CALL OURSELVES "CHRISTIANS," DO MORE—AS A CLASS OR GROUP—THAN TO SMUGLY SIT BACK WITH FOLDED HANDS AND EXPRESSIONS OF "SANCTIMONIOUS SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS," WHILE WE WAIT FOR "GOD" TO DO OUR WORK FOR US, AND IN SOME MIRACULOUS MANNER "TO REWARD US FOR THE WORK WE HAVE LEFT UNDONE," AND FOR OUR SELFISHNESS, INDOLENCE, AND MENTAL AND PHYSICAL LAZINESS. GOD HAS NO REWARD FOR "APATHY"!! THE OLD SAYING THAT "GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES" HAS NEVER BEEN MORE TRUE THAN IT IS TODAY. If women do not wish to again become just the "property" of men—"as they were for so many thousands of years"—and if free men do not desire the shackles of "physical slavery," as well as their present "mental slavery," they will soon have to not merely "pray" to become better,—(and for God to lay bare a heart which one prophetic woman once wrote—"men already know quite too much about"),—but they must actually "become better," and not just talk about it!!! While we are "praying" for Liberty, and for lives of greater security and a fuller abundance of the good things of this world, we had also better take the time to "work" for that which we claim to want, and to "protect" that which we already possess. IT HAS LIKEWISE BEEN MOST TRULY STATED, THAT "GOD DOES NOT REWARD MEN FOR EITHER THE WORK THEY LEAVE UNDONE OR FOR THAT WHICH IS POORLY DONE." WE SHUDDER IN HORRIFIED DISGUST AT THE COMMUNISTS' ACCUSATIONS AGAINST THE RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS OF OUR DAY, WHEN THEY BLUNTLY STATE THAT "ALL" CHRISTIAN MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOTHING MORE THAN "WHITE-LIVERED-SPINELESS MORONS," WITH NEITHER THE "INTELLIGENCE" NOR THE "COURAGE" TO RECOGNIZE AND "UNITEDLY OPPOSE" THE VAST INCREASE IN STRENGTH AND POWER OF THOSE WHO DESIRE TO DESTROY THE EDUCATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS AND FREE GOVERNMENTS OF THIS EARTH. YET, WHAT HAVE WE DONE—"AS A CLASS"—TO DISPROVE THESE ACCUSATIONS??? IT SHOULD CERTAINLY BE NO LONGER NECESSARY TO PROVE TO ANY WELL-INFORMED MAN OR WOMAN, THAT MANKIND ARE ON THE VERGE OF LOSING NOT ONLY THEIR "RELIGIOUS FREEDOM," BUT EVEN THE PRIVILEGES OF "FREE SPEECH," AND TO BE GIVEN IN EXCHANGE EVEN LESS THAN THE NEGRO SLAVES OF OLD; FOR WITH THE "MONEY CHANGERS" COMMUNIST AND FASCIST POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS INCREASING THEIR MEMBERSHIPS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD AT THE RATE OF "TENS OF THOUSANDS OF NEW RECRUITS PER DAY," SUCH A CONDITION SHOULD BE "SELF-EVIDENT" TO EVEN THE MOST "OSTRICH-LIKE" HUMAN BEING;—NO MATTER HOW DEEPLY HE MAY HIDE HIS HEAD IN THE SHIFTING SANDS OF A BIGOTED OR APATHETIC "FALSE SENSE" OF SECURITY.
IS IT POSSIBLE THAT CHRISTIAN MEN AND WOMEN DO NOT REALIZE THAT WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMUNISM AND FASCISM THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, THERE WILL NO LONGER BE HOMES—SUCH AS WE NOW ENJOY— NOR CHURCHES, SUNDAY SCHOOLS OR PUBLIC SCHOOLS; NOR IN FACT, EVEN THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING TAUGHT TO "READ AND WRITE" AVAILABLE TO ANY BUT THE RULING ARISTOCRACY—AND THAT THIS RULING CLASS WILL BE COMPOSED OF THE MOST SELFISH AND BRUTAL MEN ON OUR EARTH?? FOR THEY ARE THE ONES WHO WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS IN THE STRUGGLE TO DESTROY THE FREE INSTITUTIONS AND LIBERTIES OF THIS CIVILIZATION, UNLESS THE INTELLIGENT, CLEAR-THINKING MEN AND WOMEN, "WHO CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS," SHOW AS MUCH AMBITIOUS WILLINGNESS TO "FIGHT"—NOT WITH "SWORDS," BUT WITH "USEFUL AND CONSTRUCTIVE IDEAS"—FOR THEIR RIGHTS, AS ARE THOSE WHO DESIRE TO STEAL THE GOD-GIVEN BIRTHRIGHT OF FREEDOM FROM HUMANITY. Where is our much-preached-of love of the Golden Rule? Is there actually any energy, vitality or even "sincerity" in back of our pretended love of its precepts? Do we deserve the right to have even been taught this soul-inspiring definition of a logical and intelligent type of human relationship when, generation after generation, those of us "who call ourselves Christians," sit back—"like inarticulate beasts of the field"—and let hundreds of millions of our brother and sister members of the human family suffer from the nameless fears and superstitions which accompany their complete—yet utterly needless—ignorance and illiteracy? Where is the proof that we deserve either freedom or security, while no united voice is raised in protest of the fact that five hundred million (500,000,000) men, women, and little children are always hungry—(one out of every four of the earth's inhabitants)—and hundreds of millions are suffering from wholly inexcusable exposure;—homeless, unclothed, unfed, unwanted—"children of God?"—Children who are just as "precious" to Him as any one of the smug well-fed humans who sanctimoniously raises his voice in prayer and thanksgiving for life's blessings;—blessings which God has no intention of letting men continue to enjoy, unless they are shared with all alike, as is even the sunshine, the air, and the songs of birds. WE FULLY DESERVE THE TITLE OF "SELF-RIGHTEOUS HYPOCRITES," WHEN WE THANK GOD FOR FOOD AND CLOTHES, WHILE WE PLOW UP MILLIONS OF ACRES OF WHEAT AND COTTON CROPS, DESTROY TENS OF MILLIONS OF CATTLE—AND COMMIT SUCH CRIMES—KNOWING FULL WELL THAT THIRTY MILLION (30,000,000) PEOPLE WILL DIE OF STARVATION THIS YEAR. MILLIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS MURDERED EACH MONTH, AFTER SUFFERING MONTHS OR YEARS OF THE SLOW EXCRUCIATING TORTURE OF HUNGER, AND YET THOSE OF US "WHO CALL OURSELVES CHRISTIANS," CANNOT EVEN CLAIM AS AN EXCUSE, THAT WE HAVEN'T, THE TIME TO HARVEST AND DISTRIBUTE THESE NECESSITIES OF LIFE TO OUR NEEDY BROTHERS, FOR RIGHT WHILE THEY ARE DYING OF STARVATION, TENS OF MILLIONS OF OUR OWN PEOPLE ARE IDLE AND ENTIRELY UNEMPLOYED. SINCE WE FEED THE UNEMPLOYED WITH TAXES WE PAY TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE DOLES THEY RECEIVE, SURELY WE COULD HIRE THEM WITH THIS TAX MONEY TO HARVEST—INSTEAD OF TO DESTROY—THE FOOD FOR WHICH COUNTLESS MILLIONS OF STARVING HUMAN BEINGS ARE DAILY APPEALING TO US!!! No, we do not deserve either our liberties or the enjoyment of independence or security, when we are neither willing to fight for such blessings—(through the application of constructive ideas)—nor to share them with others. We no longer have the right to thank God for these blessings, while we are too cowardly or too lazy to protect or to share them; nor any justification for expecting either "progress or happiness" while such qualities of selfishness control our thoughts and our lives: For "God Is Love" and we forfeit the right to commune with Him, when we no longer express this quality. Instead of raising our eyes to Heaven, "like the self-righteous Pharisee," we should bow our heads in shame and grief as did the "Penitent Publican," in the Biblical narrative. Is it so strange, or any very great wonder, that the "War Mongers" and "Money Changers" of the world have been able to discredit its Christian or so-called enlightened governments; its freedom of speech and freedom of worship;—the home, the benefits of lessons learned at our mothers' knees, and the Sunday schools and Churches which are supposed to teach brotherly love? Is it any wonder that hundreds of millions of starved, bitter, hate-filled, neglected and unwanted human beings will reach for the bait of "counterfeit brotherhood" offered to them under its many names called "Communism," "Fascism," "Socialism," "Naziism," "White Shirts," "Blue Shirts," "Pink Shirts," "Green Shirts," "Black Shirts," "Gold Shirts," "Silver Shirts," and shirts with all colors of the rainbow;—or that such people are easily deceived into believing that they will find a "mountain of gold" either just around the corner—or at the end of the shirt? IS IT ANY WONDER THAT THEY GRASP AT SUCH STRAWS OF HOPE—"AS THE 'TALE' OF A SHIRT"—WHEN THE CHRISTIAN PEOPLE OF THE WORLD TO WHOM THEY HAVE THOUGHT THEY COULD APPEAL, HAVE TURNED BACKS OF SCORN AND CONTEMPT UPON THEM, AND HAVE DESTROYED THE FOOD WHICH THEY SO SORELY NEEDED? IS IT ANY WONDER THAT MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF THOSE WHO ONCE LOVED THE TEACHINGS OF THE GENTLE MASTER, AND WHO LOOKED TO THE WORLD'S CHRISTIAN PEOPLE AS CIVILIZATION'S "ONE HOPE" OF SALVATION, HAVE LOST CONFIDENCE IN THOSE WHO CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS?—THOSE W H O STAND IDLY BY "PRATTLING" ABOUT "A GOLDEN RULE," WHILE WITH ONE HAND THEY DESTROY THE WORLD'S RESOURCES OF FOOD, AND WITH THE OTHER HAND PUSH AWAY THOSE WHO WOULD NEED LITTLE MORE THAN A CRUST OF BREAD OR A HANDFUL OF MEAL TO STILL THE TORTURES OF THEIR STARVED PAIN-RACKED LITTLE BODIES!!! No, it is not enough just to pray, to preach, or to sing, for unless the Christians of the world are willing to unite into one great "International Body," that they may thereby acquire the influence with which to take "concerted action" for the immediate relief of human suffering,—(instead of—as is so often the case—expending their energies and satisfying their emotions with psalm singing,)—they will soon no longer be given even the opportunity to sing. Unless they have sufficient vision to "quickly" awaken and make use of their privileges of "free speech," and the right to a**emble and unite their efforts in behalf of worthy activities, their voices will soon be raised with those of the rest of the world's starved, hopeless human beings, while they lie crushed under the heels of the world's "Money Changers." THIS "EXPLANATORY" BULLETIN—FROM THE RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF UNIVERSAL RESEARCH AND ADMINISTRATION—PRESENTS AN APPEAL IN BEHALF OF INTELLIGENTLY CO-ORDINATED "WORLD-WIDE" ACTION. CHRISTIANS OF THE WORLD!!! HAVE YOU THE "WISDOM"—THE "VISION"—AND THE "COURAGE" TO ACT UPON OUR INVITATION??? In answer to those who may believe that it would take years to form a world-wide organization two hundred million (200,000,000) strong, we beg to call their attention to the fact that with present day methods of intercommunication—rapid transportation—telephones—radios—automobiles—airmail, etc., etc., such an organization could readily be formed within less than "four months'" time,—and yet not even "one" of the 200,000,000 people we seek, would be required to place more than four (4) copies of this book in circulation, nor spend more than a few hours of time in order to accomplish such a result,—provided that "each" of those who read "Mankind United," will make it his or her business to immediately obtain not less than "four (4) copies" thereof, and place them in circulation. (See chart on page 286). In fact, when only eight million (8,000,000) of the world's right-thinking inhabitants have each formed a Branch of our International 4-4-8-3-4 Club, (previously described,) it will require less than "one month" thereafter, to complete our audience of 200,000,000 people. Within thirty days from the date that this result has been brought to pa**, The Universal Service Corporation can be formed, and within less than one month from that date, the world's unemployed men and women will be going back to work at the rate of over two million (2,000,000) people per week!!! IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THE CHRISTIAN INHABITANTS OF OUR EARTH HAVE AS MUCH INTELLIGENCE AS THE COMMUNISTS AND FASCISTS,—(OR AS MUCH INTELLIGENCE AS THEIR ATHEISTIC FINANCIAL BACKERS—"THE MONEY CHANGERS" AND "WAR LORDS")—WE SUGGEST THAT YOU HELP US TO PROVE IT; FOR AFTER "SIXTY YEARS" OF CEASELESS RESEARCH, WE HAVE YET TO FIND EVEN "ONE" MAJOR RELIGIOUS GROUP—(WHICH CLAIMS TO BE FOLLOWING IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF "OUR MASTER")—WHICH EITHER "IS WILLING," OR "HAS THE COURAGE," TO PUT CHRIST JESUS' "GOLDEN RULE" OF "ECONOMIC EQUALITY" TO A WORLDWIDE TEST IN THE PRACTICAL EVERY-DAY BUSINESS AFFAIRS OF HUMAN LIFE. NO, NOT EVEN "ONE" MAJOR RELIGIOUS GROUP WILLING TO SPONSOR THE PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF OUR EARTH'S RESOURCES FROM THE STANDPOINT THAT THEIR INEXHAUSTIBLE ABUNDANCE BELONGS AS MUCH TO ONE AS TO ANOTHER! HAVE YOU THE COURAGE AND THE UNSELFISHNESS TO RAISE "YOUR VOICE" IN BEHALF OF THE "PRACTICAL APPLICATION" OF CHRIST JESUS' PRECEPTS TO WORLD ECONOMICS—"EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES"—"EQUAL FREEDOM"—AND "EQUAL INCOME" FOR ALL??? There is no other way on this earth of preventing the spread of the atheistic teachings of Fascism and Communism! For they are winning new recruits at the rate of tens of thousands "per day," and it will not be long before they will be thoroughly capable of overpowering the democracies of the world by "brute force" and "weight of numbers alone;" nor are there any other means of preventing the "Money Changers'" planned civilization-destroying war than by the immediate "United Action" of those of us who call ourselves "Christians." We must forget our personal antagonisms and theological differences of opinion at least long enough to practically apply Christ Jesus' "Golden Rule" to the every-day task of producing and distributing the necessities and luxuries of human life, as well as man's spiritual requirements. OUR "DIVINELY WISE" MASTER MOST CERTAINLY TAUGHT A "GOLDEN RULE" WHICH IS NOT MERELY TO BE "PREACHED ABOUT"—BUT ONE WHICH IS ALSO TO BE "THOUGHT ABOUT," AND TO BE "LIVED"!!! UNLESS WE ARE WILLING TO ESTABLISH AN ECONOMIC SYSTEM WHICH WILL BE CAPABLE OF "IMMEDIATELY" PROVIDING A UNIVERSAL STANDARD OF ECONOMIC EQUALITY FAR SURPASSING EVEN "THE PROMISES" OF THE COMMUNISTS, (WHOSE POISONOUS BAIT IS NOW BEING SWALLOWED "HOOK, LINE AND SINKER," BY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF OUR WORLD'S "HOMELESS AND HOPELESS" INHABITANTS), WE NO LONGER DESERVE THE RIGHTS OF EITHER "LIFE, LIBERTY, OR THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS." AND THEY SHOULD—"AS THEY INEVITABLY WILL"—BE TAKEN FROM US, UNLESS WE HAVE SUFFICIENT "LOVE" OF THESE RIGHTS TO MEASURE UP TO THE PRIVILEGES OF PROGRESS AND "UNIVERSAL WELFARE" WHICH THEY PROVIDE, AND UNLESS WE ARE WILLING TO START DOING UNTO OTHERS "AS WE WOULD THAT THEY SHOULD DO UNTO US:"—AND NOT JUST "PREACH" AND "SING PSALMS" ABOUT IT!!!