All performed by Apex Zero We live a chaotic revolt Robbery, murder and a**ault We rebel as individuals Waiting on a miracle But Freedom as reality's a dream that won't come Until we organized and unified as one Chaotic revolt Robbery, murder and a**ault We rebel as individuals Waiting on a miracle But Freedom as reality's a dream that won't come Until we organized and unified as one We live in chains inside the shadow valley Modern arrows carry Messages of d**h as molten lead Tortured minds are blasted outa swollen head Our live is war Our foes are feds We're trained to never know our friends We k** our coalition with shanks in belts And coke in creps That's shott to marges We run these roads dodging charges Coffin caskets filled with man who swore they was the hardest Man live with no love Then die in cold blood This is how the system that we trapped in locks the whole worlds down MP's and business leaders separate us They make us hate us Postcode and national wars are fought for causes that they make up We dance with the devil or we dance with d**h Grasp for breath While seeds of war are sown to make sure western power plants are fed We duss their mazes Brothers scuff their cases Judges lickin books cos we hold sticks and jooks But laws are formed to serve the biggest crooks We get five years for knocking crooked coppers lights out They make billions when dropped bombs leave cities wiped out The roads relentless Real k** pretenders Repercussions shake the earth when CID get hung for fake agendas Score of brothers die in custody from techniques formed to brake offenders Rebels are framed Screws groom rumours that they rape their gender Our souls are stole with sin Our bodies snatched through legislation Need to rise up Rebel I raise hell so I can murder Satan Let's raise hell so we can murder Satan Redirect this anger that we're aiming Chaotic revolt Robbery, murder and a**ault We rebel as individuals Waiting on a miracle But Freedom as reality's a dream that won't come Until we organized and unified as one Chaotic revolt Robbery, murder and a**ault We rebel as individuals Waiting on a miracle But Freedom as reality's a dream that won't come Until we organized and unified as one an*lyse the lives that we're living in Everyday the violence, theft and murder rates have risen in
Every ends More anti freedom prison laws the government keep bringing in get broken This western melting pot is simmering Crack shotters, armed robbers, looting and scams Show the essence of rebellion developing in mans Growing hungry and desperate to improve our situations Rejecting system tactics of fear based manipulation Cos every man knows they'd love to buck Any pig who left their head buss Stripped searched you Or murdered one of us Or love to shank MP's who make our lives so expensive Who lock us up for dodging tax while scamming their expenses But you're definitely getting caught committing those offences Rot in prison on a multi-life sentence We're trained to crave money The lust is deep inside us rooted That's why trainers, TVs and phones get robbed and looted But the message being spread is much bigger than cash Cos I our riots state buildings and pig stations get attacked Their army trains troops to serve the empire or die If we use those sk**s fighting pigs We're terrorists and sent inside When other people's nation fight their state and uprise The british government support them with arms and supplies We're sick of the hypocrisy Sick of all the lies Its time to turn our anger on those who f**ing up our lives Who f**ing up our lives for real We ain't each others enemies We ain't to blame for what's going wrong with each other's lives With this country or this world Don't believe the propaganda Immigrants and militants and your children ain't your enemy The true enemy are those who've abused power for generation Who murder innocents all across the world Who maintain the balance of rich and poor So they can stay rich and powerful Revolution begins as social unrest and infighting Then becomes large scale riots And fighting against the establishment and the oppressor Then if, and only if, it gets organised correctly It becomes true revolution And can overthrow corrupt systems Don't condemn the signs when you see them Just cos they ain't pretty Yes, their will be unfortunate casualties But real revolution ain't like a film or a book Its ugly and gritty But its all for a greater good Lets organise this chaotic revolt And take our freedom For ourselves By ourselves Organise the Revolution