Living in opposition, drawing lines in the sand We all have a point of view in the freedom of our land If it's not your colour it's the thoughts within your head Living in fear and ignorance is how lies are spread More and more I see it, people dying from gunplay Horrible acts of violence permeate the world today We look to blame each other for the colour of our skin Blinded by propoganda, where did this all begin? Black or white, black or white
Who is wrong, who is right Black or white, black or white Never wrong, never right When will this conflict subside? When our hatred has died When will we learn to get along? When we learn to differ right from wrong Living with each other, no more line in the sand Shedding all the lies and myths, wash the blood from our hands If it's not your colour it's the thoughts within your mind Parents teach your children, it's the only hope for mankind