Disgusting, these twisted priests. I would smile if every last parish perished in a smoking blaze. So let the bombs fly right into the heart of the holy city. Because what more harm can they do to a child. Next time eat his little heart. Break into his will and tear his entire life apart. It makes me sick, a spiritual leader who can't even control his own dick. To what extent does forgiveness reach? If pedophilic abuse and rape is the lesson that they really teach. And they continue to preach, but my sermon is much more clear and simple...You are the scum of the earth. Hypocrites and robbers, what more can they do to wrong the world? Next time smash his brains out.
Psychologically f**ed and there is never going to be a way out. Take the family's money, and their child's virginity. So I say f** that ba*tard Nazi pope, there's been a dick down Benedict's holy throat. Right under his nose, thousands are violated. It is for you twisted creeps that I wish Hell actually existed so that by any and every means possible punishment for your ghastly abuse intrusion and the desecration will be shot right up your righteous a**holes. You make me f**ing sick. I say let the bombs fly, right into your houses of god so you can know how it feels to have your heart ripped right out. Let the bombs fly. No more pardons.