Papa bear sneaking in 2am Mom fast asleep doesn't wait up for him Last night, he came at the same time He locks the door walks back in the dark Whispers a prayer that the dogs won't bark He hides his other life's another lie set into motion Oh....he lays back, can't rest, secret on his chest Whoa....look at what you turned into Scared of the morning It's a beautiful day for bad news Whoa....even when the sky turns blue You would see a warning a beautiful day for bad news Beautiful day for bad, bad news And that stain never came out of the floor
Neither did the red on the collar he wore She knew, smelled that perfume Oh and momma bear huffing and she's ready to fight Who's been sleeping in your bed tonight He looks her straight in the eyes's another lie set into motion Oh....he blows it off but he can't rest, truth weighs on his chest Man and a woman Tree in a garden Perfect when it started Over time yes it fell apart The truth rings out like a crowd of people and Innocence louder than cars on the street Love hears when pain is deafening It's not too late