Leave me here in outer space – we have danced the Dreams - for as long as we could – thine cold hands Were holding mine – and I searched thee for so long Keep this breath inside – it might be the last thou take! I spread my wings and fly away Cause this might be the only way I love thee more than words can tell I'll follow – but did'st thou forget me? Spread thine wings and follow me To the darkness we can feel With blind eyes that can see me above thee But did'st thou forget me?
Met thee there in broken land Thou hadst n more dreams To keep a continuesly breathing My cold teeth inside thine neck The flesh and spirit in eternity The last drop's made me mad And then I lost myself inside thee My blood and thine - together in eternity I gave you blind eyes – that can see Things outside of reality Back from the abyss – I learned thee fly Back from the grave - I still adore thee I still love thee – I still need thee