[Intro: Vice President Dick Cheney] Even my wife seems to think my image needs polishing At breakfast today, I asked Lynn if it bugs her that people have taken to calling me 'Darth Vader.' "Not at all," she said, "it humanizes you." [Verse 1] The camera's eye dilates Focus escapes A sweeping brush coats the face Petroleum based cover up Concealer and blush Make the cheeks look flush At least real enough Every night watch the filter bend the light Through the tube in the vacuum Broadcast into detached rooms The suicide cure, the miracle fix In my guts I know it's them or us I've tried to resist Sinister d** from the Ministers of Love Skin cold to the touch Subtle quickness in their motion Flash of a split tongue when the mask slips up Hidden images, quick cuts Cobra commander and other covert propaganda Listerine and lipstick, people completely miss it Label me a misfit, settle for the spectacle Surrender the vendetta but Remember Remember Remember The reptilian agenda [Interlude: President George Bush, Sr.] We have before us the opportunity to forge a new world order A world where the rule of law governs the conduct of nations When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order [Verse 2] When the sun climbs the pyramid and opens its eye To shine a cold light down on the capital steps The enemy slithers by in slick business attire Grand Imperial Lizards Take regimented steps down Streets paved with bone From a bed of cement I heard the steady drone build into a deafening tone RFID chip, fingerprint, cellular phone Satellites light up the globe Your positions are known What was written in stone will be built into silicone
Total synthesis, centralized control Secret Oaths, Bohemian Grove The ritual The code The pyramid The pinnacle The privileged few Use these symbols to communicate Beware and be careful who you choose to illuminate You never know who's the snake until its too late to Take shelter (remember) Take shelter (remember) The reptilian agenda [Interlude: President John F. Kennedy] We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means... on infiltration... on subversion... It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources... [Verse 3] By the time they find this song I'll already be gone They have corrupted me They have hunted me down They're closing in now Links in a chain of unexplained encounters The evidence of a presence, the trace of the shapeshifter Wait and remain vigilant 6012, year of light revealed in the sky As oxygen turns to carbon and the sea-levels rise The planet becomes a desert as the temperature climbs The only creatures left alive will be the cold blooded kind Almost like reptiles were in control the whole time Know your history, know the signs Chinese dynasties descended from Dragon Kings They flooded New Orleans from a castle in Beijing Remember Eve's deceiver from the book of Genesis The snake in a double helix the Greek symbol for medicine Great deceivers and ancient leaders Illuminate bodies like snakes Heads like humans Depicted in Indian scriptures and hieroglyphics written in Aztec ruins Past Present and Future The master cla** of mutant rulers are the true predators Keep the shades down and a blade around brother And remember Remember Remember The reptilian agenda