Naw Breton 'so ba'prizon c'hwec'h mis 'so tremenet Ba'n toull-bac'h e rhoteant him boud bet ampronet Nine Bretons were thrown in jail over half a year ago For six months they wait for trial and the charge we do not know N'eo ket deit c'hoazh o frosez, netra wez kawet'nemde' Nemed un nebeud trakted, na pesa' skouer fall 'wez Police found papers in their homes calling for liberation It's not a crime to read and write but they are jailed for so long 'Ane' traou 'el keotalded, breudeuriezh ha frankiz Trawalc'h skriwo Brezhoneg, 'wid checho bras malis They spoke of fraternity, equality and freedom
Such words become an insult if in the tongue of Bretons Ba'Paris memes a-gleiz a so 'bern traou all d'ober Kudennoù so bet a-leiz, kaoc'h wez lar' d'ar Vretoned The left in Paris cannot help and we must work on our own No time for minorities who live so far from their home Ma ga'it ma c'hanaouenn him bleuniou barz-heg tener Sonjet ba're 'so ba'prizon, a so c'hortoz Newamser Newamser ebed ba'Breizh gwelloc'h ba'bro ell'bet 'Raog 'ziwano sosialouriezh ha frankiz dre an holl bed Spring won't be for Brittany or other countries even Until we see the victory of liberty for all men