The winds that hide the sighs of lovers written words deny Whisper with spectral voices The roots that felt the weight of soles and souls now drowned in fate Young dreams and mortal choices The clouds that drape the trees in fog that falls thick at my knees Descend on autumn slowly The mountain that we made from shattered hearts lain here displayed Rises to block the sunlight Wind, pray, delay your judgment one more day Things we search and find, lives we've left behind, oh Free One dream to be alive The wind will sweep away the scattered lights of another day The cool dusk now takes a dark turn The inky night will flow through open mouths
The world we know hangs like a dead man's lantern The dim flickering light shows ghosts that dream, that beg for flight Caged in by withered branches A dark canopy weighs on darkened dreams and empty days Dead cries for second chances Fade away if you can't stand to take it one more day Flee your darkened soul, heart's an empty hole, oh Free One dream to be alive And feel all I conceal Revive When the world won't give way to your high-hearted dreams Push it back 'till it breaks at the seams Bleeding through like a rainstorm that cleanses the skies Now let loose all your burdens and fly