No ... the house that hates god,
an echoing womb of guilt, kinsmen torturing kinsmen,
severed heads,
slaughterhouse of heroes, soil streaming blood -
A keen hound, this stranger.
Trailing murder, and murder she will find.
See, my witnesses -
I trust to them, to the babies
wailing, skewered on the sword,
their flesh charred, the father gorging on their parts -
We'd heard your fame as a seer,
but no one looks for seers in Argos.
Oh no, what horror, what new plot,
new agony this? -
it's growing, ma**ing, deep in the house,
a plot, a monstrous - thing
to crush the loved ones, no,
there is no cure, and rescue's far away and -
Leader: I can't read these signs; I knew the first,
the city rings with them.
You, you godforsaken - you'd do this
The lord of your bed,
you bathe him... his body glistens, then -
how to tell the climax? -
comes so quickly, see,
hand over hand shoots out, hauling ropes -
then lunge!
Leader: Still lost. Her riddles, her dark words of god -
I'm groping, helpless.
No no, look there! -
what's that? some net flung out of hell -
No, she is the snare,
the bedmate, d**hmate, murder's strong right arm!
Let the insatiate discord in the race
rear up and shriek 'Avenge the victim - stone them dead!'
What Fury is this? Why rouse it, lift its wailing
through the house? I hear you and lose hope.
Drop by drop at the heart, the gold of life ebbs out.
We are the old soldiers... wounds will come
with the crushing sunset of our lives.
d**h is close, and quick.
Lookout! - look out!
Ai, drag the great bull from the mate! -
a thrash of robes, she traps him -writhing -
she gores him through !
And now he buckles, look, the bath swirls red
There's stealth and murder in the cauldron, do you hear?
I'm no judge, I've little sk** with the oracles,
but even I know danger when I hear it
What good are the oracles to men? Words, more words,
and the hurt comes on us, endless words
and a seer's techniques have brought us
terror and the truth.
The agony - O I am breaking! - Fate's so hard,
and the pain that floods my voice is mine alone.
Why have you brought me here, tormented as I am?
Why, unless to die with him, why else?