Orestes: O you win me over - good advice. (Wheeling on clytabmnestra, thrusting her towards Aegisthus.) This way - I want to butcher you - right across his body! In life you thought he dwarfed my father - Die! - go down with him forever! You love this man, the man you should have loved you hated. clytaemnestra: I gave you life. Let me grow old with you. Orestes: What - k** my father, then you'd live with me? clytaemnestra: Destiny had a hand in mat, my child. Orestes: This too: destiny is handing you your d**h. clytaemnestra: You have no fear of a mother's curse, my son? Orestes: Mother? You flung me to a life of pain. clytaemnestra: Never flung you, placed you in a comrade's house. Orestes: - Disgraced me, sold me, a freeborn father's son. clytaemnestra: Oh? then name the price I took for you. Orestes: I am ashamed to mention it in public. clytaemnestra: Please, and tell your father's failings, too. Orestes: Never judge him - he suffered, you sat here at home.
clytaemnestra: It hurts women, being kept from men, my son. Orestes: Perhaps... but the man slaves to keep them safe at home. clytaemnestra: - I see murder in your eyes, my child - mother's murder! Orestes: You are the murderer, not I - and you will k** yourself. clytaemnestra: Watch out - the hounds of a mother's curse will hunt you down. Orestes: But how to escape a father's if I fail? clytaemnestra: I must be spilling live tears on a tomb of stone. Orestes: Yes, my father's destiny - it decrees your d**h. clytaemnestra: Ai - you are the snake I bore - I gave you life! Orestes: Yes! That was the great seer, that terror in your dreams. You k**ed and it was outrage - suffer outrage now. (He draws her over the threshold; the doors close behind them, and the chorus gathers at the altar.) LEADER: I even mourn the victims' double fates. But Orestes fought, he reached the summit of bloodshed here - we'd rather have it so. The bright eye of the halls must never die.