Chrous: But Justice waits and turns the scales: a sudden blow for some at dawn, for some in the no man's land of dusk her torments grow with time, and the lethal night takes others. And the blood that Mother Earth consumes clots hard, it won't seep through, it breeds revenge and frenzy goes through the guilty, seething like infection, swarming through the brain. For the one who treads a virgin's bed there is no cure. All the streams of the world, all channels run into one to cleanse a man's red hands will swell the bloody tide. And I... Fate and the gods brought down their yoke, they ringed our city, out of our fathers' halls they led us here as slaves. And the will breaks, we kneel at their command -our masters right or wrong! And we beat the tearing hatred down, behind our veils we weep for her, Turning to Electra. her senseless fate. Sorrow turns the secret heart to ice. Electra: Dear women, you keep the house in order, best you can; and now you've come to the grave to
say a prayer with me, my escorts. I'll need your help with this. What to say when I pour the cup of sorrow? Lifting her libation cup. What kindness, what prayer can touch my father? Shall I say I bring him love for love, a woman's love for husband? My mother, love from her? I've no taste for that, no words to say as I run the honeyed oil on father's tomb. Or try the salute we often use at graves? 'A wreath for a wreath. Now bring the givers gifts to match'... no, give them pain for pain. Or silent, dishonoured, just as father died, empty it out for the soil to drink and then retrace my steps, like a slave sent out with scourings left from the purging of the halls, and throw the cup behind me, looking straight ahead. Help me decide, my friends. Join me here. We nurse a common hatred in the house. Don't hide your feelings - no, fear no one. Destiny waits us all