Lines 123-156 LEADER: Let some god or man come down upon them. ELECTRA: Judge or avenger, which? LEADER: Just say 'the one who murders in return!' ELECTRA: How can I ask the gods for that and keep my conscience clear? LEADER: How not, and pay the enemy back in kind? [Electra kneels at the grave in prayer.] ELECTRA: - Herald king of the world above and the quiet world below, lord of the dead, my Hermes, help me now. Tell the spirits underground to hear my prayers, and the high watch hovering over father's roofs, and have her listen too, the Earth herself who brings all things to life and makes them strong, then gathers in the rising tide once more. And I will tip libations to the dead. I call out to my father. Pity me, dear Orestes too. Rekindle the light that saves our house! We're auctioned off, drift like vagrants now. Mother has pawned us for a husband, Aegisthus,
her partner in her murdering. I go like a slave, and Orestes driven from his estates while they, they roll in the fruits of all your labours, magnificent and sleek. O bring Orestes home, with a happy twist of fate, my father. Hear me, make me far more self-possessed than mother, make this hand more pure. These prayers for us. For our enemies I say, Raise up your avenger, into the light, my father - k** the k**ers in return, with justice! So in the midst of prayers for good I place this curse for them. Bring up your blessings, up into the air, led by the gods and Earth and all the rights that bring us triumph. [Pouring libations on the tomb and turning to the women.] These are my prayers. Over them I pour libations. Yours to adorn them with laments, to make them bloom, so custom says - sing out and praise the dead.