Set forth to realize Domain of lies pa**ed by Overcame deceit Soundness will abide Poise of energies Suffer 'till symmetry's Getting more equal by Courage to agonize The avoidance leads To failure of one's deeds Prevaricating being Could never conceive Distinction through creed Lose or succeed All the efforts divide There is no compromise Time has come to make one thing clear The last stand of the order is near Responsibility Persistency Restrict ductility Control blocks fear No hypocrisy Special security Of true maturity
Negative eternally Every period increases my might Under the spell of saturn's light Severe discipline is leading my way To the judgement of the saviour's reign Total balance arcane The principle of pain The single way to face Truth and wisdom gains When conscience is clear Honest and sincere The a**igned demise Blessed without disguise Responsibility Persistency Restrict ductility Control blocks fear No hypocrisy Alien security Of true maturity Eternal negativity This is the order of equilibrium