Most merciful God / We confess that we have sinned against you / Forgotten who we are / By what we have done / And what we have left undone / Most merciful God / We have not loved you with our whole hearts / We've not loved each other / As we have loved ourselves / This is my confession ••This is my confession / The profession of my faith / Do you see me falling / On my knees and to my face? / Reveal in me what I've concealed / And I'll turn from sin and you will heal me / And my house. / Most merciful God / We are truly sorry, and humbly repent / For the sake of your Son / And our Savior, Jesus Christ / This is my profession. Most merciful God / Have mercy on me, and forgive me / That I may delight in your will / And that I may walk in your ways / To the glory of your name