["He Gave Her Water" Lead: Gary Moyers] Chorus: Oh, Jesus (he gave her water) he gave her water (he gave her water) You know, my Jesus (he gave her water) gave her water (he gave her water) Oh, Jesus, (he gave her water) gave her water (he gave her water) And it was not from the well Repeat chorus Well there was a woman from Samaria Who came from the well to get some water And there she met a stranger And he did her story tell She left my savior singing She came back to him bringing The time she had living water And it was not from the well Repeat Chorus ["More Than A Friend" Lead: Gary Moyers] Intro: More than a friend (well, he's more than a friend) More than a friend (well, he's more than a friend) More than a friend (he's more than a friend) More than a friend Well, he's more than a friend More than a friend Yes, he's more than a friend to me ('cause he gave up his life) 'Cause he gave up his life (and at oh) And at oh such a price And he's more than a friend to me People keep on searchin' for that perfect friend (perfect friend) Who'll they'll trust with their compa**ion and their confidence 'Cause they need someone to love them in the deepest way (the deepest way) Hear what I'm about to say He was willing to give his life, ultimate sacrifice He was God made flesh and put to d**h for me Now you know it's easy to see That he's more than a friend More than a friend Yes, he's more than a friend to me 'Cause he gave up his life And at oh such a price And he's more than a friend More than a friend More than a friend to me (more than a friend) ["His Righteousness" Lead: Ken McAlpin] God made him who had no sin So that we might become his righteousness Well, instead of ourselves he offered him so So that we might become his righteousness So that (so that we might become his righteousness) So that (so that we might become his righteousness) Whoa-oh, holy God was offered for us So that (so that we might become his righteousness) So that we might become (so that we might become his righteousness) ["Lead Me To Rest" Lead: Barry Wilson] Lead me to rest, sweet Lord Lead me to rest From my journey here, lead me to rest The relief I've found From the burdens that've weighed me down Lead me to rest Lead me to rest Lead me to rest Lead me (lead me to rest) Lead me to rest, oh Lord Outro x 4: Oh, Lord, won't you lead me (won't you lead me) Lead me to rest (won't you lead me, won't you lead me to rest) ["Rescue" Lead: Barry Wilson] Chorus Rescue, rescue Rescue, rescue Lord, you know everything I've done Every thought I've had, you know every one And Lord, you know every time I fall Still you come to my rescue when I call And Lord, you hear every idle word Every thoughtless deed How it seems absurd That, Lord, you give, not what I am due But mercy, mercy, aw, mercy You come to my rescue You come to my rescue (rescue) You come to my rescue (rescue) Thank you, Father (rescue) For comin' to my rescue (rescue) You come to my rescue, yes (rescue, rescue) Thank you, Lord (rescue) For comin' to my rescue (rescue) ["We Have Seen His Glory" Lead: Barry Wilson] We have seen his glory Oh, what an awesome power from above We have seen his glory
Yeah, Jesus (we have seen his glory) the one (the one and only son) The one and only son We have seen his glory We have seen his glory We have seen how he works in our lives today We have seen his glory The one (the one and only son) The one and only son ["I Have A Friend" Lead: Barry Wilson] I have a friend (I have a friend, I have a friend) Who went to Calvary, to Calvary He said I'll die (die, die) But I'll sho 'nuff rise again Again I have a friend They call him Jesus I have a friend The angels praise his name (praise his name) The angels praise his name (praise his name) The angels praise his name (praise his name) Well, all right, come on and praise him, uh-huh ["Criminal On the Cross" Lead: Barry Wilson] Well, it was many years ago, in the time of the Bible That they took him up to Calvary (up to Calvary) They should have let him go, but instead they chose Barabus Just to set another criminal free (just to set him free) When they crucified the ever-lovin' carin' Master With compa**ion flowing from His eyes Well, He said to a thief who was begging Him for mercy That "Today you´ll live in Paradise." Hmm, I´m saved (I'm saved, I'm saved) like the criminal on the cross Praise God, I´m saved, yes, (I'm saved, I'm saved) no more to suffer loss Well, he said I´d live in Paradise And He's taken care of the cost Hallelujah, I´m saved (I'm saved, I'm saved) like the criminal on the cross I´m saved (I'm saved, I'm saved) like the criminal on the cross ["Let's Get Together" Lead: Gary Moyers] Well, it's time we stopped the fighting and start giving our love to each other (give it to them, give it to them, we've got to learn to love them) Oh, don't you know that they're never gonna see How we're lovin' our Lord unless we're givin' our love to each other (let's give them our love) Let's get together Let's stop the fighting Let's start uniting Whoa-whoa-oh Repeat 5 times Scriptural Reference: "Jesus answered, 'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13-14 "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13 "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21 "In my anguish I cried out to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free." Psalm 118:5 "Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age." Galatians 1:18 "One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: 'Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!' But the other criminal rebuked him. 'Don't you fear God,' he said, 'since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.' The he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom' Jesus answered him, 'I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.'" Luke 23:39-43 "And over all these virtues put love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." Colossians 3:14