Rising from the torpor of stale water Reminiscent fragments of memories Pierce my consciousness as shards of gla** Slowly forced through living meat Reflecting images taught forever erased How wrong was I now I discover Feeble inside tenuous restrains of taught Laid by confessions amid deep introspection Solitary monologues of a madman's temptation Scourging dreams of stealing chastened blood From the vestibule of innocence To satiate the thirsty vaults of my sick mind Once more I watch these hands these fingers A tight noose wound round a shriveling throat Striped of life extinguished like a flame Violated Venus dressed in liquid
Enveloped in d**h silhouetted in the darkling shimmer Staring open mouthed back at me In serene surreal ambiguity Black eyes mirroring the haze on my blank face Vacant within sinking the tips of my fingers into her Eyes losing luster like worthless stones adorning The disembodied remains beneath the surface tension Specter of a denied past still looming in my head But no more at rest now residing within my hands At last released free afloat and she slowly sinks Abandoning me as fluids invade her chest Guilt does not impair primordial needs This deed only inflames my hunger Yearning more throats to smother