To Secretary Stanton. Executive Mansion, Washington, March 28, 1864. HON. SECRETARY OF WAR. MY DEAR SIR:—The Governor of Kentucky is here, and desires to have the following points definitely fixed: First. That the quotas of troops furnished, and to be furnished, by Kentucky may be adjusted upon the basis as actually reduced by able-bodied men of hers having gone into the rebel service; and that she be required to furnish no more than her just quotas upon fair adjustment upon such basis.
Second. To whatever extent the enlistment and drafting, one or both, of colored troops may be found necessary within the State, it may be conducted within the law of Congress; and, so far as practicable, free from collateral embarra**ments, disorders, and provocations. I think these requests of the Governor are reasonable; and I shall be obliged if you will give him a full hearing, and do the best you can to effect these objects. Yours very truly, A. LINCOLN.