Telegram To General W. S. Rosecrans. Washington, September 23,1863. 9.13 A.M. MAJOR-GENERAL ROSECRANS, Chattanooga, Tenn: Below is Bragg's despatch as found in the Richmond papers. You see he does not claim so many prisoners or captured guns as you were inclined to concede. He also confesses to heavy loss. An exchanged general of ours leaving Richmond yesterday says two of Longstreet's divisions and his entire artillery and two of Pickett's brigades and Wise's legion have gone to Tennessee. He mentions no other.
"CHICAMAUGA RIVER, SEPTEMBER 20. "GENERAL COOPER, Adjutant-General: "After two days' hard fighting we have driven the enemy, after a desperate resistance, from several positions, and now hold the field; but he still confronts us. The loses are heavy on both sides, especially in our officers.... "BRAXTON BRAGG" A. LINCOLN