Resolutions Of Sympathy With The Cause Of Hungarian Freedom, September [1??], 1849 At a meeting to express sympathy with the cause of Hungarian freedom, Dr. Todd, Thos. Lewis, Hon. A. Lincoln, and Wm. Carpenter were appointed a committee to present appropriate resolutions, which reported through Hon. A. Lincoln the following: Resolved, That, in their present glorious struggle for liberty, the Hungarians command our highest admiration and have our warmest sympathy. Resolved, That they have our most ardent prayers for their speedy triumph and final success.
Resolved, That the Government of the United States should acknowledge the independence of Hungary as a nation of freemen at the very earliest moment consistent with our amicable relations with the government against which they are contending. Resolved, That, in the opinion of this meeting, the immediate acknowledgment of the independence of Hungary by our government is due from American freemen to their struggling brethren, to the general cause of republican liberty, and not violative of the just rights of any nation or people.