He calls from a hotel in downtown Dallas Says he won't be home for three more days She gets so lonely in her Houston hill top palace Talking to her self as their two-year-old plays She rocks the baby to sleep then gets in bed Reads romance novels of a love she once had She closes her eyes and dreams about the man Who gave her more than money and a call now and then [Chorus:] As the shine on her diamond starts to fade She recalls the promises they made
But a bond can only bend so far before it breaks She's stuck between a rock and a heartache She tries to keep busy with her everyday routines Soap operas in the afternoons, after she cleans As she wipes off a picture frame from their wedding day She wonders if he asked her again what would she say [Chorus] She feels like she's stranded somewhere in no man's land Cause her life is like a prisoner's chained to a wedding band [Chorus]