Everything has been said provided words do not change their meanings And meanings their words. Is it not obvious that someone, who customarily Lives in a state of suffering, requires a different sort of religion? From a person habitually living in a state of well-being? The acts of men, carried over from past centuries Will gradually destroy them, logically Man as pariah, piranha, a parasite An all-consuming ravenous beast Who devours every other creature Wreaking havoc upon a female planet
Who bears the scars of his insatiable hunger Her body pitted by deep wounds gauged into her flesh As he leeches her natural elements To power his infernal machines Machines which spew black bile Poisoning everything As man gluts on the Earths' sacred fluids and precious minerals Until Nature herself stages a hostile insurrection Against mans' gluttony and greed I felt that my existence here Was becoming a distorted, twilight memory Of an awesome destiny