Deeply embedded within the human race Flooding our minds, generation of waste Mortal drones programmed to obey The foolish follow the herd as they prepare to die Born just for lies to be transmitted to our heads The descent of human trust Being corrupted by the power of greed and lust Spreading this disease but blinded to know the truth It's a cycle that will never end Let the master plan unfold Leaving us for dead Mortal drones they will speak no truth Bare witness the ma**es that are led before you One by one they will propagate the lie Minds abandoned, living to die Creating delusions in our mind, fed lie after lie
You wonder this land with insensibility Followed by the fabrics of what you call society Distorting what we see, you have no choice what to believe Life forever ruled by corruption and avarice Barricaded consciousness But still blinded to know the truth Enslaved, enchained, by the prophets that man has demanded Your fate, prefaced The darkest day is upon us all Our only solace is d**hs embrace Mortal drones they will speak no truth Bare witness the ma**es that are led before you One by one they will propagate the lie Minds abandoned, living just to die