Saw a man with head in hands crying out God is dead For hours and hours on end he poured out his convictions Never met a man more wanting to be wrong Searching for something to believe in There was a child with nothing left in his world to fear No creatures lurking in the shadows or crawling in his head Imagination useless and dulled No fantasy in nightmare or in his dreams Where will we find life's mystery If all the questions have been answered I don't want to live in a world Without gods, without monsters I don't want to live in a world Without gods, without monsters Are all the angels gone
The demons with their ritual stones Is science now our god Machines our conscience Will time erase history All trance of what we once believed All sense of wonder gone Faith drifts on winds so cold alone Robots with minds we will become Slaves to wires and circuitry When belief is gone Hope can only fade away Deny the new masters The old gods still reign Where will we find life's mystery If all the questions have been answered I don't want to live in a world Without gods, without monsters I don't want to live in a world Without gods, without monsters