In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compa**ionate 72:1 Say: 'It has been revealed to me that a company of the jinn gave ear, then they said, "We have indeed heard a Koran wonderful, guiding to rectitude. We believe in it, and we will not a**ociate with our Lord anyone. He -- exalted be our Lord's majesty! has not taken to Himself either consort or a son. The fool among us spoke against God outrage, 72:5 and we had thought that men and jinn would never speak against God a lie. But there were certain men of mankind who would take refuge with certain men of the jinn, and they increased them in vileness, and they thought, even as you also thought, that God would never raise up anyone. And we stretched towards heaven, but we found it filled with terrible guards and meteors. We would sit there on seats to hear; but any listening now finds a meteor in wait for him. 72:10 And so we know not whether evil is intended for those in the earth, or whether their Lord intends for them rectitude. And some of us are the righteous, and some of us are otherwise; we are sects differing. Indeed, we thought that we should never be able to frustrate God in the earth, neither be able to frustrate Him by flight. When we heard the guidance, we believed in it; and whosoever believes in his Lord, he shall fear neither paltriness nor vileness. And some of us have surrendered, and some of us have deviated. Those who have surrendered sought rectitude; 72:15 but as for those who have deviated, they have become firewood for Gehenna!"'
Would they but go straight on the way, We would give them to drink of water copious, that We might try them therein. And whosoever turns away from the Remembrance of his Lord, He will thrust him into chastisement rigorous. The places of worship belong to God; so call not, along with God, upon anyone. When the servant of God stood calling on Him, they were wellnigh upon him in swarms. 72:20 Say: 'I call only upon my Lord, and I do not a**ociate with Him anyone. Say: 'Surely I possess no power over you, either for hurt or for rectitude.' Say: 'From God shall protect me not anyone, and I shall find, apart from Him, no refuge, excepting a Deliverance from God and His Messages. And whoso rebels against God and His messenger, for him there awaits the Fire of Gehenna; therein they shall dwell forever.' Until, when they see that which they are promised, then they will know who is weaker in helpers and fewer in numbers. Say: 'I do not know whether that which you are promised is nigh, or whether my Lord will appoint for it a space; Knower He of the Unseen, and He discloses not His Unseen to anyone, save only to such a Messenger as He is well-pleased with; then He despatches before him and behind him watchers, that He may know they have delivered the Messages of their Lord; and He encompa**es all that is with them, and He has numbered everything in numbers.'