Brasil, decime qué se siente Tener en casa a tu papá Te juro que aunque pasen los años Nunca nos vamos a olvidar Que el Diego te gambeteó Que Cani te vacunó Estás llorando desde Italia hasta hoy A Messi lo vas a ver la Copa nos va a traer Maradona es más grande que Pelé Brasil, decime qué se siente Tener en casa a tu papa ENGLISH VERSION: Brazil, tell me how it feels
To be bossed around in your own home I swear that even if years pa** We will never forget That Diego out-dribbled you That Cani surprised you You've been crying since Italy till today You are going to see Messi The World Cup will be ours Maradona is greater than Pelé Brazil, tell me how it feels To be bossed around in your own home