When I was a child I knew some counting rhymes, Later I realized Adults had their own ones Ones count children But the other ones count money There are the people Who are fond of counting cars We can't do without it All of us are The children of our Father God In turn He counts us And our mortal souls And especially He likes To count all our sins Everyone finds something for counting But no one finds that we can fit easily The life into the counting rhymes The counting rhymes! ONE, TWO You were born But no one knows what for, THREE, FOUR You grew up But who can tell you why? FIVE, SIX You became Clever and respected, SEVEN, EIGHT You gave rise To a cub or more than one Nothing matters in this world In which none trusts in other's word NINE You'll go blind And gain many deceases, TEN In loneliness And darkness you will die Everyone finds something for counting But no one finds that we can fit easily The life into the counting rhymes ONE, TWO What is God? An interesting question THREE, FOUR Where does He dwell Or is He just a dream? FIVE, SIX Is there Hell? And which one of directions Will I choose to go there For meeting HIM? If They are in existence They both exactly laugh at us SEVEN, EIGHT Let's count The silver stars in black space NINE, TEN In a word, These countings made me tired! Everyone finds something for counting But no one finds that we can fit easily The life into the counting rhymes The counting rhymes! Rhymes!