Ali Shapiro - Reading + Writing Schedule Winter 2016 lyrics


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Ali Shapiro - Reading + Writing Schedule Winter 2016 lyrics

WEEK ONE Wednesday, January 6th • Questions + Asymptotes Wallace, This Is Water Friday, January 8th • Reading Like a Writer Bunn, How to Read Like a Writer Viswanathan, Growing Up With a Dose of Magic Deutsch, The Lost Land Sign up for Wordpress and post your intro on the Q&A Blog Don't forget to print the Unit I Readings and bring them to cla** from now on! WEEK TWO Monday, January 11th • Evidence + an*lysis Nocera, Hearing With the Heart North, Writing is a Process of Abandoning the Familiar Rosenwa**er and Stephen, an*lysis: What It Is and What It Does Begin gathering evidence for Essay 1 Wednesday, January 13th • Motivating Moves Smith, Some Notes on Attunement (optional) Peitzman, “There's Something Inside of Me:” Coming Out as a Gay Horror Fan Extremely rough draft with questions Friday, January 15th • Ways in and out(lining) 3 ways in Q&A Blog Question Due WEEK THREE ***Monday, January 18th • Essay 1 Rough Draft Due by 5PM via CTools Forums*** Wednesday, January 20th • Workshop Is Not For You Chamberlain, Workshop Is Not For You Sample Essays 1 (packet on CTools) Margin comments on both sample essays Read How to Write Workshop Letters and consider how you might respond to these essays Friday, January 22nd • Small Group Workshop Workshop Letters ***Sunday, January 24th • Essay 1 Final Draft + Exit Survey Due by 5PM via CTools Assignments*** WEEK FIVE Monday, January 25th • Pattern Recognition Miller, Fresh Hell Wednesday, January 27th • Recipe for a Genre Denby, High School Confidential Paur, Recipe for a Movie Genre Friday, January 29th • The Method [review] Rosenwa**er + Stephen, Five an*lytical Moves Rosenwa**er + Stephen, The Method Genre samples Q&A Blog Question Due WEEK SIX Monday, February 1st • Thesis Tests Boxer, Why Are All the Cartoon Mothers Dead? Three possible driving questions Q&A Blog Answer Wednesday, February 3rd • So What? Prose, Voting Democracy Off the Island Three possible Magic Thesis Sentences Friday, February 5th • Structuring Argument Klosterman, Why I Am Rooting For Duke: An Argument in Seven Ascending Steps A good thesis and three terrible theses At least five pieces of evidence + notes for an*lysis Q&A Blog Question Due WEEK SEVEN Monday, February 8th • CLASS CANCELLED FOR CONFERENCES Detailed outline with transitions Wednesday, February 10th • Sample Essays Sample Essays 2 (packet on CTools) Friday, February 12th • Ways Out Rough draft for full group workshop WEEK EIGHT Monday, February 15th • Full Group Workshop Workshop letters Rough draft of essay 2 Wednesday, February 17th • Small Group Workshop Workshop Letters Friday, February 19th • Small Group Workshop Workshop letters WEEK NINE Monday, February 22nd • Search + Research Essay 2 Final Draft + Exit Survey Due via CTools Assignments Wednesday, February 24th • Seeing For Yourself Baum, Happiness is a Worn Gun Friday, February 26th • Asking Around Driscoll, Introduction to Primary Research Driving Question + and research plan ***Sunday, February 28th • Respond to research groups in CTools Forums*** SPRING BREAK!!!! WEEK TEN Monday, March 7th • Driving Questions, Questions About Driving Gladwell, Big and Bad Quick n' dirty research Wednesday, March 9th • Looking for Answers McGonigal, How Might Video Games Be Good For Us? Friday, March 11th • LIBRARY SESSION Questions + keywords WEEK ELEVEN Monday, March 14th • Digging + Connecting Gawande, The Itch Source #1 Wednesday, March 16th • Using Sources Rosenwa**er + Stephen, Six Strategies for an*lyzing Sources Source #2 Friday, March 18th • Voice + Style Marx, Pets Allowed ***Sunday, March 20th • Field notes and annotated bibliography*** WEEK TWELVE Monday, March 21st • Research Group Meeting Respond to research group members Wednesday, March 23rd • Sample Essays Sample Packet 3 Friday, March 25th • Reverse Outlining + Revision Lamott, sh**ty First Drafts Essay 3 Rough Draft WEEK THIRTEEN Monday, March 28th • Full Group Workshop Workshop letters Wednesday, March 30th • Small Group Workshop Workshop Letters Friday, April 1st • Small Group Workshop Workshop Letters WEEK FOURTEEN Monday, April 4th • Congratulations, By the Way Wallace, This is Water Saunders, Congratulations, By the Way Wednesday, April 6th • Commencement Arguments Selections from NPR Database Friday, April 8th • Recipe for a Commencement Speech Your selections from NPR Database ***SUNDAY, APRIL 10th*** • Essay 3 Final Draft + Exit Survey*** WEEK FIFTEEN Monday, April 11th • Structure + Style Source material Wednesday, April 13th • Sentences Rough draft of Essay 4 Friday, April 15th • Small Group Workshop Workshop comments WEEK SIXTEEN Monday, April 18th • Last Day of Cla** Final draft of Essay 4 due for group reading