Alexander Glascoe - Hot Wheels, Root Beer, and Stick on Tattoos lyrics


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Alexander Glascoe - Hot Wheels, Root Beer, and Stick on Tattoos lyrics

I remember when the world seemed so much bigger, when the lights took up more space and my little problems seemed big as I didn't have any problems, I remember what it was like to be a kid. Everything seemed so simple, the world seemed more alive, The trees talked to me, asking me if I wanted to climb up so that they could give me a piggy back ride. The flowers would fight for my attention, each wanting to be picked more than the other, The wind would kiss my cheek, and whisper sweet little nothings in my ear. I had less friends but I didn't need them, I had me, myself and my imaginary dinosaur steve. But then everything changed, and I made the worst mistake of my life, I grew up. They say that with age comes wisdom, with wisdom comes power, and power corrupts. Doesn't that mean age corrupts? As I grew up the world grew smaller, the shadows in the corners creep in more defined and larger than they once were, All my little problems were welcomed distractions as the world around me was crumbling. As I grew up I realized that with age also came pain, Losing a friend hurt more, cooties had infected everyone and we all came down with a case of heartbreak, heck even the tattoos that once tickled now hurt. And everything that was supposed to be good growing up is false, who wants to drive? As kids we have a chauffeur everywhere, and the cars were nicer as we had hot wheels. And what's the point of drinking we had root beer with a one hundred percent guarantee that we would not get a hangover. As kids we were invincible we'd shoot each other with guns and hit each other with swords, yet we always came out unscathed. We were super heroes by our own right, we had barely lived yet we were so full of life, As a kid I wanted to grow up so much, now I just want to be a kid.