Alexander Gemignani - Waste lyrics


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Alexander Gemignani - Waste lyrics

(Addison Mizner lies in a bed.) [A WOMAN, spoken] Mr. Mizner. There's a gentleman to see you (Addison leans forward expectantly, then falls back on the pillows, dead. The door of a packing crate falls open, revealing Wilson Mizner.) [A MAN] Think that he's dead? [ANOTHER MAN] Has been for years [A WOMAN] God, what a waste [A MAN] Genius, they said [A WOMAN] Opened frontiers [ANOTHER WOMAN] Really, such a waste [ANOTHER WOMAN] All of that style- [A MAN] All that flair- [ANOTHER MAN] All that guile- [ANOTHER MAN] Now, let's be fair He had a real spark [ANOTHER MAN] Made a mark [A WOMAN] Instantly erased [A MAN] Could have been rich [A WOMAN] Could have lost eight [A MAN] God, what a waist [ADDISON, spoken] Excuse me... [TWO MEN] Son of a b**h Could have been great [A WOMAN AND A MAN] Now he's just disgraced [ADDISON, spoken] Excuse me?- [A WOMAN] Such an ascent- [A MAN] Such a fall- [ANOTHER MAN] Such a nice gent- [COMPANY] He had it all How could he miss Finish like this? Waste [A MAN] Remember me? I'm the one that you bought the plantation from Boy, what a waste That was a waste... [A WOMAN] (overlapping) Remember me? I'm the one with the house you design- What a waste, what a terrible waste What a waste... [A MAN] Remember me? I'm the one that you baited the s**ers with Waste Waste of your money and waste of my time Remember that? Remember that? What a waste, what an asinine waste... [TWO WOMEN] Remember me? I'm the one that you used in the ads Honey, that was a waste That was a waste and a half Remember that? Remember that? What a waste, what a silly old waste... [A MAN] Remember me? I'm the one with the fireworks business- A waste if I ever saw waste And, believe me, I recognize waste When I come across waste... [ANOTHER MAN] You come into my office And buy all these pineapples Nothing but waste I mean, talk about waste That was a waste, no, a waste and a half... [A WOMAN] Not to mention The door you forgot to include And the stairs that went nowhere There was a waste There was a terrible waste... [A MAN] Remember me? I'm the one with the Klondike saloon What a waste, what a god-awful waste I mean, that was a waste... [A WOMAN] Remember me? I'm the one that you promised a mansion to... [HANDSOME YOUNG MAN] Remember me? I'm the one that you f**ed (Addison blinks at him, stunned) [ALL] Such a good start Such a bad end- Leaves a bad taste [HANDSOME YOUNG MAN] I'm the one that you f**ed (Pause.) [ALL] Squandered his art Cheated his friend- All of it a waste [ADDISON, spoken] You're the one that I loved [THREE MEN] Destined to fail [TWO WOMEN] Poor old guy [GROUP 1] Losing the trail- [GROUP 2] And you know why [WILSON] Everybody shoo! I said shoo! I mean you... shoo! (Opening his arms.) (spoken) Hug for your old brother? (sung) Wasting your time Listening to them That was the waste [ADDISON, spoken] Hello, Willie [WILSON] What was your crime? You were a gem They were strictly paste [ADDISON, spoken] Willie, listen to me- [WILSON] So it got tough Why the guilt? Look at the stuff That you built So you got burned Look what you've learned! [ADDISON, spoken] You know what I learned, Willie? I learned that the only thing wrong with my life was you. You conniving son of a b**h! (Addison swats Wilson.) [WILSON, spoken] (Swatting him back.) Hey, cut it out! [ADDISON, spoken] (Another swat) You ruined me! [WILSON, spoken] (Another swat) You ruined yourself! [ADDISON, spoken] (Another swat) Say it! You ruined me! [WILSON, spoken] Did not! [ADDISON, spoken] Did so! [WILSON, spoken] Did not! [ADDISON, spoken] Did so! [WILSON, spoken] Did not! [ADDISON, spoken] Did so! [WILSON, spoken] Did not! [ADDISON, spoken] Did so! (They fight on the bed, the tussle becoming more and more childlike.) [WILSON & ADDISON, spoken] Mama... Mama... Mama! (Mama Mizner appears.) [MAMA MIZNER, spoken] Addison! Wilson! (Addison and Wilson stop fighting.) This is no time for squabbling! Your papa's been asking for you (The bed is now occupied by Papa Mizner.) [WILSON, spoken] Sorry, Mama. How is he? [MAMA, spoken] The doctor says it's time now [PAPA MIZNER, spoken] Addie? Willie? Is that you, boys? [WILSON, spoken] We're here, Papa [PAPA, spoken] Good, good