Alexander Gemignani - Land Boom! lyrics


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Alexander Gemignani - Land Boom! lyrics

[REAL-ESTATE AGENT] Land boom! With a double whammy, boy! Land boom! Profits this thick! Land boom! Down around Miami, boy- The weather's kinda clammy But it's get rich quick! Brand-new communities Just take your pick Lots of opportunities- All you need is capital A little does the trick Beg or steal or borrow It'll double by tomorrow Only get your a** to Florida And get rich quick! (Train whistle sounds.) (The bed has been transformed into a railway compartment. In it sits the Handsome Young Man from the opening number. Addison enters. The Handsome Young Man is revealed to be Hollis Bessemer.) [HOLLIS BESSEMER, spoken] I have an aunt. Two hours before the train left I found out she was stopping in Palm Beach [ADDISON, spoken] Palm beach? [HOLLIS, spoken] Tiny town, middle of nowhere. Nothing there but a monstrosity of a hotel. She's looking for a place to build a house [ADDISON, spoken] Really? A house? [HOLLIS, spoken] I sent her a telegram, begged her to wait for me- [ADDISON, spoken] Friendly refuge till the storm clouds clear, eh? [HOLLIS, spoken] No, it's more than that. I need her help [ADDISON, spoken] With what? ...if you'd rather not- [HOLLIS, spoken] No! No, I'll tell you