Alexander Gemignani - Finale (from Road Show) lyrics


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Alexander Gemignani - Finale (from Road Show) lyrics

[ADDISON, spoken] Hello, Willie [WILSON, spoken] They told me you were dead [ADDISON, spoken] I am [WILSON, spoken] Then that must mean that... [ADDISON, spoken] Face down in a double bourbon in a booth at the Brown Derby [WILSON, spoken] Oh, damn. But when I think of all the famous last words I'd rehearsed [ADDISON, spoken] The show's over, Willie. I'm the only audience you've got left [WILSON, spoken] What'd you die of anyway? [ADDISON, spoken] I got lonely [WILSON, spoken] Yeah [ADDISON, spoken] And in the end... I guess I was... ashamed [WILSON, spoken] Ashamed? [ADDISON, spoken] I had a talent, Willie. I threw it away! [WILSON, spoken] Nah! Well... yeah... (sung) Still you got rich Still you got laid Not such a waste Only one hitch: Me, I'm afraid Still you were embraced! [ADDISON, spoken] It wasn't enough, Willie. It was also too much [WILSON] So you fell short Of your dream Come on, sport We're still a team We're made the same way [ADDISON] So you say [PAPA MIZNER, spoken] Boys, boys! [ADDISON, spoken] Oh sh** [PAPA MIZNER, spoken] A doting father's dying words, boys (sung) There's a road straight ahead There's a century beginning There's a land of opportunity and more (spoken) I expected you'd make history, boys. Instead you made a mess [WILSON, spoken] A mess? What does he mean a mess? [ADDISON, spoken] You know what he means [WILSON, spoken] Yeah, well, one man's mess is another man's... something or other... [ADDISON] God, you had charm God, you had guts God, what a waste [WILSON, spoken] Hey, we built a city! [ADDISON, spoken] Actually, we didn't (sung) God, we did harm What were we nuts? And where was our taste? [WILSON, spoken] So we went overboard a little, where's the harm in that? [ADDISON, spoken] Where's the harm? [WILSON] So if we fell And fell fast Why should we dwell On the past? Looking ahead [ADDISON] Willie, we're dead [WILSON, spoken] I know it's a long shot, but, you don't suppose this could be heaven, do you? [ADDISON, spoken] God keeps better books than that, Willie [WILSON, spoken] Then where do you think guys like us go after they die? [ADDISON, spoken] I don't think they go anywhere. I think they just keep going [ENSEMBLE] Look at it! Look at it, look at it! [WILSON, spoken] Addie, look at it! You know what that is! It's the road to opportunity! [ADDISON, spoken] It's the road to eternity [WILSON, spoken] The greatest opportunity of all! Sooner or later, we're bound to get it right