Alejandro Rodriguez - Week 15 reading journal lyrics


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Alejandro Rodriguez - Week 15 reading journal lyrics

11/18/13 Journey to Rainbow island This is when a dragon trapped this kids friends in an island because they got kidnapped. They all then got placed on that island and then their freinds and them came into a journey to escape from that island and from the dragon. Their friend then build bows to defeat the dragon. The island was called the rainbow island because of the dragon their 11/19/13 Winning the Race When the girl was eleven Her family lived in Philadelphia and her mother worked at a Temple University Downtown. So when her mother took them took work like in the summer she let them play in her office as faculty guard or she even let them swim on the campus. Her mother usually took the long route when she took her daughters, she took them through the ghetto. Even thought their was a shorter route to take. Her mothers work place wasn't that far from the neighborhood but on that neighborhood their wasn't even that much people on the road because they are mostly working The seventh Tower 11/20/13 Long time ago darkness fell into a castle and that castle was know to be scary.A veil created over the world upholding the rule of magic. Tal has been living their a long time that he been spending all his life in darkness. He knows everything that goes on on that tour science he started living in it. They wanted to know the secrets of veil so they would find the darkness.From the dreams worlds to night mares, brilliant magic fierce into the darkness