Al Jolson - The Spaniard That Blighted My Life lyrics


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Al Jolson - The Spaniard That Blighted My Life lyrics

List to me while I tell you Of the Span-iard that bligh-ted my life; List to me while I tell you Of the man who pinched my fu-ture wife. 'Twas at the bull fight where we met him, We'd been watch-ing his dar-ing dis-play, 'Twas while I'd gone out for some nuts and a pro-gramme The dir-ty dog stole her a-way Oh, yes! oh, yes! But I've sworn that I'll have my re-venge! (Chorus) If I catch Al-phon-so Spa-go-ni, the Tor-e-a-dor, With a might-y swipe I will dis-lo-cate his bal-ly jaw! I'll find this bull-fight-er, I will, And when I catch the bound-er, the blight-er I'll k**, He shall die! he shall die! he shall die tid-dly-i-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti ti! He shall die! he shall die! For I'll raise a bun-ion on his Span-ish on-ion If I catch him bend-ing to-night! (Verse 2) Yes, when I catch Spa-go-ni He will wish that he'd nev-er been born, And for this spe-cial rea-son My stil-et-to I've fetched out of pawn. It cost me five shil-lings to fetch it, This ex-pense it has caused me much pain. But the pawn-brok-er's pro-mised, when I've k**ed Spa-go-ni, He'll take it in pawn once a-gain. Oh, yes! oh, yes! So to-night there will be dir-ty work. (Chorus) (Verse 3) I tracked him to Lon-don, And he gave me the slip once a-gain, And they told me this morn-ing That he'd dou-bled and gone back to Spain. But what ev-er it costs me, I'll catch him. Then no more will he give me the slip With my last one and nine-pence, on Sun-day I'm go-ing to Spain by the Sun-day League Trip. Oh, yes! oh, yes! And then the dark deed will be done. (Chorus)