Agathodaimon - Stindardul Blasfemiei lyrics


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Agathodaimon - Stindardul Blasfemiei lyrics

Trei cruci de lemn, trei cruci enorme de lemn Vopsite cu trei culori, pazesc pe marginea soselei Fintina celor... crediciosi! Trei cruci pe marginea soselei cu gesturi largi de miini bolnave Opresc din drum pe calatori si parca-s trei spinzuratori De care atirna trei cristoi... Intr-o zi impinsi de-acelasi funerar indemn Ca dou-armate puse una-n fata alteia Cumintii se-ntilnira cu nebunii Copiii mortilor de miine se-ntilnira cu parintii... "Si-armatele-ncepura lupta la umbra crucilor de lemn Deoparte flutura stindardul credintei... alb... curat..." ...Ca albul cel curat, al florilor de nufar Iar tricolorul nebuniei, inchis cu grija-n cite-in cufar De craniu omenesc... Sta gata sa se desfasoare la cea dintii ingenuncheare A albului domnesc... Insa-n ziu-aceea cerul innegrit de fum parea Un tavan de catedrala ce se naruia "Iar fumul din clopotnitele-aprinse deschidea-n albastrul:" Drumul altui fum, mai greu, mai negru si-albastrul se-nnegrea... Si-n ziu-aceea cerul innegrit de fum parea Un tavan de catedrala ce se naruia Si multimea-nspaimintata, spre clopotnitele-aprinse Se-ndrumeaza grupuri, grupuri, cei cuminti privesc plingind Pling ca resturile unei armate-nvinse, iar nebunul sta deoparte Si zimbeste... fredonind: BLASFEMIE!!! "Iar tricolorul nebuniei adapostea pe-nvingatori!!!" [English translate: Banner Of Blasphemy] Three wooden crosses Three huge crosses of wood Painted with three colors On the margin of the road Guarding the fountain of the believers Three crosses On the margin of the road With gestures made by morbid hands They hinder wanderers whilst pa**ing Like three gallows on holy lands Where three christians are hanging... Inclined by a funeral stir On a fatal sky, so blur Like two armies enticed to war The mad have fallen upon the brave The children of 'morrows dead Their parents had met In the shade of the wooden crosses The armies began their battle Aside... the banner of creedance flattered White and clean Like the cleanest white men have seen And the blasphemic flag of madness Safely embedded in each human skull Was ready to unfold at the first Subjugation of the royal white On the same day, blackened by fumes The heavens seem to be the ceiling Of a collapsing cathedral, bleeding And the fumes of the burning steeples Opened in the celestial blue The way of another fume Blacker, heavier, and the blue Has become black, too So the horrified people Hasten to the burning steeples The brave behold whilst crying Like the remnants of a defeated army And the madmen stay aside Grinning and humming: Blasphemy And the tricolor of madness was sheltering The conquerors!