Aemelia Lanyer - To the Lady Elizabeths Grace. lyrics


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Aemelia Lanyer - To the Lady Elizabeths Grace. lyrics

Most gratious Ladie, faire E L I Z A B E T H , Whose Name and Virtues puts vs still in mind, Of her, of whom we are depriu'd by d**h; The Phœnix of her age, whose worth did bind All worthy minds so long as they haue breath, In linkes of Admiration, loue and zeale, To that deare Mother of our Common-weale. Euen you faire Princesse next our famous Queene, I doe inuite vnto this wholesome feast, Whose goodly wisedome, though your yeares be greene, By such good workes may daily be increast, Though your faire eyes farre better Bookes haue seene; Yet being the first fruits of a womans wit, Vouchsafe you[r] fauour in accepting it.