Aemelia Lanyer - To the Ladie Lucie, Countesse of Bedford. lyrics


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Aemelia Lanyer - To the Ladie Lucie, Countesse of Bedford. lyrics

Me thinkes I see faire Virtue readie stand, T'vnlocke the closet of your louely breast, Holding the key of Knowledge in her hand, Key of that Cabbine where your selfe doth rest, To let him in, by whom her youth was blest: The true-loue of your soule, your hearts delight, Fairer than all the world in your cleare sight. He that descended from celestiall glory, To taste of our infirmities and sorrowes, Whose heauenly wisdom read the earthly storie Of fraile Humanity, which his godhead borrows[;] Loe here he coms all stuck with pale d**hs arrows: In whose most pretious wounds your soule may reade Saluation, while he (dying Lord) doth bleed. You whose cleare Iudgement farre exceeds my skil, Vouchsafe to entertaine this dying louer, The Ocean of true grace, whose streames doe fill All those with Ioy, that can his loue recouer; About this blessed Arke bright Angels houer: Where your faire soule may sure and safely rest, When he is sweetly seated in your brest. There may your thoughts as seruaunts to your heart, Giue true attendance on this louely guest, While he doth to that blessed bowre impart Flowres of fresh comforts, decke that bed of rest, With such rich beauties as may make it blest: And you in whom all raritie is found, May be with his eternall glory crownd.