Abraham Lincoln - The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln-VOL. VI (Chap. 1.18) lyrics


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Abraham Lincoln - The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln-VOL. VI (Chap. 1.18) lyrics

Telegram To General H. W. Halleck. War Department, May 24, 1862. MAJOR-GENERAL HALLECK, near Corinth, Mississippi: Several despatches from Assistant Secretary Scott and one from Governor Morton asking reinforcements for you have been received. I beg you to be a**ured we do the best we can. I mean to cast no blame where I tell you each of our commanders along our line from Richmond to Corinth supposes himself to be confronted by numbers superior to his own. Under this pressure We thinned the line on the upper Potomac, until yesterday it was broken with heavy loss to us, and General Banks put in great peril, out of which he is not yet extricated, and may be actually captured. We need men to repair this breach, and have them not at hand. My dear General, I feel justified to rely very much on you. I believe you and the brave officers and men with you can and will get the victory at Corinth. A. LINCOLN. TELEGRAM TO GENERAL I. McDOWELL WAR DEPARTMENT, May 24, 1862. MAJOR-GENERAL McDOWELL, Fredricksburg: General Fremont has been ordered by telegraph to move from Franklin on Harrisonburg to relieve General Banks, and capture or destroy Jackson's and Ewell's forces. You are instructed, laying aside for the present the movement on Richmond, to put 20,000 men in motion at once for the Shenandoah, moving on the line or in advance of the line of the Mana**as Gap railroad. Your object will be to capture the forces of Jackson and Ewell, either in co-operation with General Fremont, or, in case want of supplies or of transportation, interferes with his movements, it is believed that the force which you move will be sufficient to accomplish this object alone. The information thus far received here makes it probable that if the enemy operate actively against General Banks, you will not be able to count upon much a**istance from him, but may even have to release him. Reports received this moment are that Banks is fighting with Ewell eight miles from Winchester. A. LINCOLN.