Abraham Lincoln - The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln-VOL. VII (Chap. 2.243) lyrics


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Abraham Lincoln - The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln-VOL. VII (Chap. 2.243) lyrics

Telegram To General Butler. Executive Mansion, Washington, December 29, 1864. MAJOR-GENERAL BUTLER: There is a man in Company I, Eleventh Connecticut Volunteers, First Brigade, Third Division, Twenty-fourth Army Corps, at Chapin's Farm, Va.; under the a**umed name of William Stanley, but whose real name is Frank R. Judd, and who is under arrest, and probably about to be tried for desertion. He is the son of our present minister to Prussia, who is a close personal friend of Senator Trumbull and myself. We are not willing for the boy to be shot, but we think it as well that his trial go regularly on, suspending execution until further order from me and reporting to me. A. LINCOLN.