Abraham Lincoln - The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln-VOL. V (Chap. 3.15) lyrics


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Abraham Lincoln - The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln-VOL. V (Chap. 3.15) lyrics

Unauthorized Biography To S. Galloway Springfield, Ill., June 19, 1860 HON. SAM'L GALLOWAY. MY DEAR SIR:—Your very kind letter of the 15th is received. Messrs. Follett, Foster, & Co.'s Life of me is not by my authority; and I have scarcely been so much astounded by anything, as by their public announcement that it is authorized by me. They have fallen into some strange misunderstanding. I certainly knew they contemplated publishing a biography, and I certainly did not object to their doing so, upon their own responsibility. I even took pains to facilitate them. But, at the same time, I made myself tiresome, if not hoarse, with repeating to Mr. Howard, their only agent seen by me, my protest that I authorized nothing—would be responsible for nothing. How they could so misunderstand me, pa**es comprehension. As a matter wholly my own, I would authorize no biography, without time and opportunity [sic] to carefully examine and consider every word of it and, in this case, in the nature of things, I can have no such time and Opportunity [sic]. But, in my present position, when, by the lessons of the past, and the united voice of all discreet friends, I can neither write nor speak a word for the public, how dare I to send forth, by my authority, a volume of hundreds of pages, for adversaries to make points upon without end? Were I to do so, the convention would have a right to re-a**emble and substitute another name for mine. For these reasons, I would not look at the proof sheets—I am determined to maintain the position of [sic] truly saying I never saw the proof sheets, or any part of their work, before its publication. Now, do not mistake me—I feel great kindness for Messrs. F., F., & Co.—do not think they have intentionally done wrong. There may be nothing wrong in their proposed book—I sincerely hope there will not. I barely suggest that you, or any of the friends there, on the party account, look it over, and exclude what you may think would embarra** the party bearing in mind, at all times, that I authorize nothing—will be responsible for nothing. Your friend, as ever, A. LINCOLN. [The custom then, and it may have been a good one, was for the Presidential candidate to do no personal canva**ing or speaking—or as we have it now "running for election." He stayed at home and kept his mouth shut. Ed.]