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Request For General Land-Office Apppointment To E. Embree [Confidential] Springfield, Illinois, May 25, 1849 HON. E. EMBREE DEAR SIR:—I am about to ask a favor of you, one which I hope will not cost you much. I understand the General Land-Office is about to be given to Illinois, and that Mr. Ewing desires Justin bu*terfield, of Chicago, to be the man. I give you my word, the appointment of Mr. bu*terfield will be an egregious political blunder. It will give offence to the whole Whig party here, and be worse than a dead loss to the administration of so much of its patronage. Now, if you can conscientiously do so, I wish you to write General Taylor at once, saying that either I or the man I recommend should in your opinion be appointed to that office, if any one from Illinois shall be. I restrict my request to Illinois because you may have a man from your own State, and I do not ask to interfere with that. Your friend as ever, A. LINCOLN.