Aaron Paul - Over lyrics


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Aaron Paul - Over lyrics

Title: Over *A crime scene is in black and white. Everything seems to be in black and white except for a pink teddy bear. There are two dead bodies in Walt's driveway* *Walt sits in his room inspecting his bruised hand. He coughs then uses an inhaler. In the bathroom he shaves his head* Skyler: You're not thinking about going back into work today, are you? Walt: Thought I would. This inhaler really seems to be doing the trick. Skyler: Just take the rest of the week, please. You've earned it. Don't push it. Besides, I want you well for the weekend. Junior: Mom wants to par-tay. Skyler: It's just a little get-together, that's all. Sunday afternoon, maybe? Nothing big just family and a few friends. We've got a lot to celebrate, don't you think? Walt: Sounds good. *Skyler walks into her and Walt's bedroom and gives Walt some orange juice* Walt: Thank you. Skyler: Now. What are you supposed to do today? Walt: Nothing. Skyler: Excellent. Brownie points for taking a nap. *Skyler leaves the room then we hear her get in her car and leave. Walt picks up a book and some magazines to read then tosses them aside. He looks over a the phone, then grabs it and calls Jesse and hangs up. A few seconds later Jesse calls back* Walt: Can you meet? Jesse: I thought maybe you might've, you know, kicked. Signed off. I was even checking the obits. Walt: No such luck. Jesse: So, umm, where's it stand? Coughing up blood, giving speeches you know like, I deserve this, I'm an a**hole, what's the upshot? Walt: The upshot? The upshot is that I have radiation pneumonitis. *Jesse puts his head down* Jesse: Damn. Walt: Actually it's not as bad as it sounds. It's a fairly common occurrence, easily treated. In fact, the news is all good. Jesse: You mean good? You mean like good good? You mean like remission good? Walt: Remission. Not to imply I'm cured, I still have cancer, there's been a significant reduction in the tumors. Jesse: How significant? Walt: 80%. Jesse: Dude. No way! Walt: I'm not out of the woods yet by any stretch, but…"options" is the word they keep batting about. Jesse: That's awesome! Serious? That's great man. My aunt, she never...I mean you know at your stage, I didn't think that could happen. Walt: Yeah. Jesse: Mr. White, you kicked its a**, yo! No. You must be so psyched. Walt: Of course, I am. Jesse: Okay, no we...I mean...what do we? Oh hey, almost forgot. *Jesse hands Walt a bag of money* Jesse: So, how do you want to, you know, proceed? In light of this kicka** news. Walt: We'll take our time and stay cautious, sell off what we have, and then uh…well, then I guess I'm done. *Hank is making margaritas in the kitchen at a party with music playing* Hank: Batter up! Skyler: Umm, everyone. Hey you guys, I would like to make a toast with my non-alcoholic beverage. Umm, I know one party can't begin to repay all your support and your many, many kindnesses. But, then again, Hank does make one mean margarita. Umm, we really do wanna thank you. These last few months have been, wow, a challenging time to put it mildly, but I have to say that Walt has come through it like a champ. *to Walt* Honey, I'm so proud of you. *Walt air kisses Skyler* Marie: Aww. Skyler: Okay, I'm gonna stop with the sappy stuff, but it's true, it really is. And for the first time in a long time we are so excited about the future...okay, anyway, I want to ooh, I want to also express my gratitude to two very special people who couldn't be here today but they send their regrets and their warm wishes. Gretchen and Elliott Schwartz, for those of you who don't know them, are, well, they're heroes. They're incredibly generous friends who made the amazing offer to pay for Walt's treatment and they did. So. To Gretchen and Elliott. *Everyone toasts* Hank: Hey, how about the man of the hour? Come on. Carmen: Speech, speech. Junior: Yeah, Dad. Walt: Umm, well it's kind of funny. When I got my diagnosis, cancer. I said to myself, you know, why me? And then the other day when I got the good news, I said the same thing. Anyway. Thank you for coming and enjoy. Hank: Alright, cheers...wow, inspirational. *Walt takes a shot of tequila* Hank: I'll tell you what, I've gotta give those guys points for originality. A little mercury switch, nine-volt battery, five to six ounces of C4. That's how those Cartel boys party. Junior: Yeah, but why a turtle? Hank: Oh, that's the best part, it was a umm, it was a...what the hell's the word I'm looking for. Not a metaphor, not an an*logy, Walt. What's the word I'm looking for? Anyway, Tortuga, that was the name of our snitch. Bean-speak for tortoise, okay? Tortoise, turtle, whatev, I never knew the difference myself. *to Walt* Hey, will you top me off there, buddy? *to Junior* Anyway, poetic I guess, yeah, it was poetic. That's the word. I guess that's the word. *Walt pours a shot for Hank, then a shot for himself, then pauses and pours a shot for Junior* Walt: *looks at Junior* Go ahead. *Junior looks at Hank* Hank: Better not let your mom see. *They cheers and take the shot. Junior coughs loudly and Hank laughs at him* Hank: Oh, yeah, I think I see a hair, maybe two. Junior: There's no worm in this, right? Hank: No, that would be mezcal, talk about your hangovers okay. I was back at Glenco Georgia, back east doing some training. Had this firearm instructor, he was a good ol' boy. *Walt goes to pour Hank another shot, then pours himself one* Hank: This guy could put 'em away like he had two livers, okay. Like a fish, like a drunk fish. We were drinking mezcal stupid, but uh- *Walt pours Junior another shot* Hank: *to Walt* Hey, hey. Walt. What you doin' there? Walt: What's it look like I'm doing? Hank: Kid's sixteen. You going for father of the year? Walt: *to Junior* What are you looking at him for? Hm? We're celebrating. *They cheers and take the shot, Junior coughs again. Walt pours another shot for himself and then goes to pour one for Junior. Hank puts his hand over the cup, Walt pours it on Hank's hand* Hank: Hey, no. Jesus. *to Junior* Listen, I'd take a pa** on that one if I were you, okay? *Hank gets up and takes the bottle* Hank: Think we've been bogarting this puppy long enough. *laughs* Walt: *to Hank* Hey! Bring the bottle back. Hank: Sorry buddy, no can do. *Walt gets up furiously* Walt: It's my son. My bottle. My house. Hank: *laughs* It's alright. Walt: What are you waiting for? Bring it back. *Junior takes the shot in the background as Hank approaches Walt* Hank: Why don't we just call it a day, alright pal? We good? Walt: The bottle. Now. *Hank puts his hand on Walt's shoulder and Walt smacks it away. Skyler walks outside* Skyler: What's going on? *Junior gets up out of his chair and throws up into the pool. Hank and Skyler rush to his side to help* Hank: Jesus. Skyler: Here sweetie, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, shh. *Walt takes another shot while smiling* *Jesse is making eggs* Jesse: This is your brain. This is your brain on d**. Jane: Wow. Jesse: Uhh, you weren't supposed to wake up. Jane: Ever, or... Jesse: No, I was just thinking I would bring it in. Jane: You want me to go back to bed? Jesse: No, I guess that'd be kind of…uh, no. Jane: Need some help? Jesse: *taking bread out of the toaster* No, ow, ow, I got it, ow, ow…umm, just uh, have a seat. Jane: Is there any coffee? Jesse: Uh, sh**, yeah sh**. Give me a second. Jane: Well at least let me do that. Jesse: No, I don't want you to have to do anything, you know? *Jesse pours the egg onto a plate* Jesse: Alright, here, you take the good one. It's, umm, huevos rancheros. Jane: I can tell. Jesse: Yeah? Jane: Umm, fork? Jesse: Oh, yeah. *Jane removes an egg shell while Jesse isn't looking* Jesse: Ah, here you go. Jane: So what are you up to today? Working? Whatever that means. Jesse: No. I'm all yours. Jane: Really? *Walt sits on his bed in his underwear rubbing his face, clearly hungover* *At work, Skyler's phone rings. She ignores it* Skyler: *on answering machine* Hey, this is Skyler. Please leave me a message, thanks. Walt: Hi. I just wanted to say that, well, we'll talk tonight, but I wanted to say that I, I'm not exactly sure who that was yesterday, but it wasn't me and I'm sorry. Love you. *Walt looks over at his dirty dishes then turns on his water. It comes out brown. He opens the door to his water heater and inspects it* Walt: Oh boy. Walt: *on answering machine* I just wanted to say that, well, we'll talk tonight, but I wanted to say that- Ted: Hey there. Wow, who brought the churros? Skyler: Uh, that would be me. If I leave 'em at home I'd just wind up eating them all myself, so. They're actually, they're leftovers. We had a little get-together for Walt. Ted: It wasn't his birthday, was it? Skyler: Actually, Walt's got...he's been battling cancer. Ted: Skyler. Skyler: And, last week we got good news. Ted: I'm so sorry. Skyler: We're really optimistic. Ted: Great. Great, good news is great. Skyler: Yeah. Yeah it is, it really is. Ted: Well, feel free to bring these any time. Skyler: *laughs* Yeah. *Walt is looking at some water heaters* Bob: Got some real beauts. Walt: Hmm. Bob: You cannot beat thermal efficiency, the C3. Walt: Yeah. Then again what about tankless? Bob: Sure, we got 'em. I mean the good ones will really run up your price though. Set you back about $1200. Walt: That's not an issue. Bob: You want installation, right? Walt: No. I'll do it myself. Bob: That's what I like to hear. *Jesse and Jane are on Jesse's bed smoking while Jane looks at Jesse's sketchbook* Jane: And who's this? This guy can surf without a board? Jesse: Umm, that's Hoverman, he can surf, skate, glide, whatever cause he's always got a six-inch cushion of air under his feet. Jane: That's cool. Great lines. And this guy? What's his superpower? Jesse: That's, uh, Kangaman Jane: Kangaman. Half man, half kangaroo. And who's this in his pouch? Jesse: His sidekick Joey, he rides around in his pouch and, you know, fights crime. Jane: So that makes Kangaman a she. You know that, right? Only female kangaroos have pouches. Jesse: Yeah, yeah, I know. But he's definitely a dude. He's a product of experimentation. Jane: He's kind of hot I guess, nice haunches. And this is? Jesse: It's Backwardo. Wait, no I actually changed it to Rewindo. Anyways, he goes backwards. He can make everything go in reverse. Jane: Time and stuff, like time-travelling? Jesse: No he just, uh, he just walks backwards. Jane: He walks backwards? Is that a superpower? What good is that? Jesse: No, he does it like really fast. Okay look, say someone's coming at him with a knife, right, I mean it's helpful that he can just zip backwards away from them. Jane: Okay... Jesse: Yo, I was a kid when I drew all these. It was like four years ago. Jane: They all look like you. Jesse: What? Jane: It's you in all of these. Jesse: Nuh uh, no. Jane: I wonder what a shrink would say if he saw them. Jesse: Oh, shut up. Like you never wanted a superpower. *There's a knock at Jane's door* Jane: Is that your door or mine? *There's another knock* Jane: Sounds like mine. *Jane gets up frantically and walks to Jesse's door to see who it is. She runs back to Jesse's room and puts on her clothes* Jane: I gotta go. Jesse: Where? Hey, where? Hey, hold up, where are you? *Jane rushes through the back door to go to her house* Jesse: Jane? *Jesse puts on his clothes. Outside Jane's dad Donald is still knocking on her door* Donald: Jane. *Donald takes out his keys and goes to unlock the door. Jane opens it before he can* Jane: Hey, Dad. Donald: Oh, there you are. Hi, honey. *They hug* Donald: I saw your car so I was pretty sure that you were home. Jane: Yeah, sorry, I was working, I had my headphones on. Donald: Finally realized I wasn't the drum track? Jane: Exactly. Donald: Well, I was in the neighborhood, I was wondering if you wanted to grab some lunch. *Jesse walks out of his house* Jesse: Hey. This, uh, this your dad? Jane: Yes. Donald: *to Jesse* Hello. Jesse: Hi. Jane: This is the new tenant. Donald: Donald. Jesse: Jesse. *They shake hands* Jane: I'm sorry, did you need something? Jesse: Uh, no... Jane: Dad, why don't you come in, *to Jesse* it was nice seeing you. Donald: It was nice to meet you. Jesse: You too. *Jane and Donald go back into Jane's house. Jesse goes back into his* *Walt is inside his home installing the new water heater* Junior: Hey, Dad. Walt: Oh, hey son. Hey, you home early? Junior: No. Walt: Oh man. It was a good day? Junior: Now it is, finally hot water. No more toxic waste. Walt: Yes. Yes indeed. Top of the line, on demand, unlimited supply. Junior: Sweet. Walt: Hey, wanna take her for a spin? Junior: Oh yeah. Walt: Okay, listen why don't you go to the kitchen sink, let me know when you're ready and I'll give you a holler. Okay. Pilot in. Ignition, bingo. Junior: Ready! Walt: Alright, let her rip! *Junior turns on the water, it's clean* Walt: Ah, 117,000 BTUs. Junior: Oh yeah? Walt: Oh yeah. Built in corrosion draft reducer. Safety thermal couple with the pilot burner. Junior: Sounds really good, Dad. Walt: And the energy savings, I mean. Junior: Ow. Walt: Oh woah woah, careful, careful. It's probably some adjustments I need to make there. You okay? Junior: Yeah, I'm fine. Walt: Okay. Son. About yesterday. Junior: I'm sorry about the pool. Walt: No. No, that was not your fault, not at all. See your old man embarra**ed himself, I'm not very proud of my behavior and I have to say I feel very foolish. Junior: You and Uncle Hank. You seemed pissed off. Walt: No, no. We're fine. Everything's fine. I called him this morning and made my apologies. But son, I owe you an apology most of all. I should've used better judgement all around. Having you drink in the first place, it was not right and for that I'm very sorry. Junior: But I kept up, right? You and Uncle Hank. I drank three. Walt: I have some tools to put away. *Walt tosses his tools into the toolbox. He notices rotted wood and starts to pick at it* *Jesse is smoking. He turns off his air filter. There's a knock at the door, he gets up to get it* Jane: Hey. Jesse: Uh, yo. Jane: You wanna catch a movie later? Jesse: Yo. Jane: What? Jesse: What was that all about? Jane: What? Jesse: Before, with your dad. Jane: It wasn't about anything. Jesse: Oh, okay so I totally misread your total diss. Jane: If anything I was doing you a favor. Jesse: A favor? Jane: Yeah, I told you, he's a harda**. Jesse: He seemed cool to me. Jane: Yeah, well. Jesse: So, what's the deal? Jane: There's no deal, I was helping you out, okay? Protecting you. Jesse: How's that? Jane: I mean, I'm letting you smoke in here and everything. Jesse: I bought a filter. Jane: And I figured, the less he knows the better. Jesse: You acted like you didn't even know me. Jane: So? Jesse: So. Jane: You think that I'm gonna be like, hey Dad, meet the stoner guy who lives next door and by the way I'm sleeping with him? Jesse: That's all you think you're doing? Jane: Why do you even care about my dad? Jesse: I don't. Jane: Good, then I don't even know why we're talking about it. Jesse: Us. Alright, I'm talking about us. Jane: Us? Jesse: Yeah. You and me. Jane: Who's you and me? Jesse: I'm out of here. *Jesse grabs his keys and his coat and leaves his house. He gets in his car and waits to see if she followed. He starts up the car and drives away with loud music playing* *Walt is at the hardware store. He leaves with a bunch of stuff. Back at his house he's cutting through the rotted wood in the basement. Junior comes home* Junior: Dad? Dad! Hello! Walt: What? Oh, hey. Junior: What are you doing? Walt: We've got rot. Junior: Rot? Walt: Yeah, here. I'll show ya. Here, take a look at that? See that? Ever seen anything like it? Junior: It's wood. Walt: It's wood that contains fruiting bodies. Junior: Fruity what? Walt: Fungus and it is on a rampage. Junior: I don't really see anything. Walt: Well, it's there, you just have to know where to look, here. Then you cut it all out. Just cut it out and start fresh. Well, better get to it. Junior: Is the whole house gonna collapse or something? Walt: Not if I can help it. *Skyler is at work late, Ted walks past* Ted: Hey, bugging for a promotion? Go home already. Skyler: I will, I will. Hey, umm, can I just ask umm, the Keller account? Ted: Keller account. Skyler: It's listed as a current a**et on this sheet, but the invoice was never presented to accounts receivable, so... Ted: Oh God, one of these days I'm gonna sort through all the dad stuff. He had so many "don't worry about it, pay me Friday" relationships with these companies. Yeah, we'll figure it out tomorrow. Or not. *laughs* Skyler: Right. Ted: No seriously, you're not gonna make me lock you in are you? Sky? Skyler? *Skyler starts crying* Skyler: Jesus. I'm fine, it's hormones honestly, it happens all the time. I'll see you tomorrow. Ted: What's wrong? Skyler: I guess it just, doesn't feel any different. Ted: The good news. Skyler: I mean nothing's really changed, it's just postponed. It was supposed to be a light at the end of the tunnel, but umm, lately it just feels like... Ted: More tunnel. Skyler: I'm sorry. I just feel so damn ungrateful. Ted: I don't know. For me it was the flu. Skyler: What? Ted: My dad rallied at the end. I mean it wasn't the full-on good news Walt got, different circumstances, but we were happy, we were over the moon. And uh, back then I got sick. The flu, boom. Knocked me on my a** for days. Couldn't get out of bed, couldn't move. Great timing, huh? And I wasn't even putting two and two together, I was just thinking, why now? Being that rock, you know, being that rock takes everything you've got. *Ted holds Skyler's hand and they look at each other. Skyler pulls away and wipes her tears, then holds his hand again* *Skyler and Junior sit at the breakfast table annoyed. Walt walks through carrying a bunch of wood, he brings it outside then comes back in and walks over to the table* Walt: Ooh. Oh, yeah. *Walt grabs some toast and spreads bu*ter on it and eats it* Skyler: Are you going to work today? Walt: Skyler, there's rot. Going back. *Jesse lights up his pipe and smokes some meth. A piece of paper slides under his door. He gets up to get it. It's a drawing of Apology Girl. Jesse laughs* *Skyler is at work and in the distance Ted is doing business with a client* Woman: Goodnight, Ted. Ted: Goodnight. *Skyler sees Ted and knocks over her pencils on purpose* Skyler: Oh damn! Mmm, clumsy. *Ted comes over to help pick them up* Skyler: No no, Ted, you don't have to do that. *Back home Walt is still at work getting rid of the rot. He drives to the hardware store. While there he notices a cart full of supplies used when making meth* Walt: *to dealer 1* You're buying the wrong matches. Dealer 1: What? Walt: Those matches, they're the wrong kind. Red phosphorus is found in the striker strips, not the matches themselves. You need the big 200-count box of individual matchbooks. More striker strips, you understand? Those only have the one. And don't buy everything in one place, do it piece-mail. Different items, different stores. Attracts less attention. Huh? Are you following me here? *The incompetent dealer runs away. Walt is waiting in line, he puts down his two buckets of primer and walks outside. He sees the two dealers arguing and walks toward them* Dealer 1: Hey, there he is. That's the guy. Walt: Stay out of my territory. *The two dealers back up and drive away while Walt stands there smiling*