Aaron McMullan - Oh, To Tremble... lyrics


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Aaron McMullan - Oh, To Tremble... lyrics

Oh, to tremble like that fella sometimes trembles That fella plays the organ like it's boilin' on his tongue Spittin' blind across the keys, those flick'rin' notes like ashes flung To the whipping o' the breezes The lashin' o' the light And his fingers fired wi' some beautiful rapture Some throbbin' in his soul all raised in lumps across his chest Some arachnid terror swinging on his spine, he's stood possessed By the thousand devils laughin' In the gaps atween the sighs She throws her head back 'gainst the screen, she's pushin' my hand away She says "Oh what I'd give for to sound like I have nothin' left to say" What use is a voice, she says, all shining? All shimmering? Oh to conjure sapphire smoke-rings from these pages These pages all impressions of those smoke-rings I recall Windin' up and out and throbbin' in the cracks behind the walls Where all those fellas high on Jesus Screech silent in the night For to find something that's worth the hours o' searchin' For something new to say with all these tired metaphors These lines all thick wi' lines I've used a hundred times before Yeah I'm looking at these words And yeah, I'm sickened at the sight And stood by the gates o' the cemetery I'm craving a fresh new way To say, "Yeah this is what I been thinkin' about since last I came this way" And they They'll smile as they watch that fresh phrase shining And shimmering And I met a poet high on aching language I met her in a red-light bar-room looks out o'er the sea And in time I fell in love wi' her, and she in love wi' me And she kisses me like melody Might kiss the saddest songs And I'm fishin' for a verse or two to hand her A verse that maybe tells her somethin' close to what I feel When she wakes me in the morning an I see the new day reelin' In the corners of her smile Her smile all glistenin' in the dawn And sometimes I'm lain there 'neath the sheets and I'm tastin' her dreams And I… I'm hearin' the songs all spun cross winding stages back her eyes And I… I'm feelin her breath against my chest, well, yeah I'm trembling…