4th25 - Reality Check lyrics


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4th25 - Reality Check lyrics

[Verse 1] 92 to 94 percent of you f**ers fall short Cause only 6 to 8 is or has ever been a soldier before Sure its cute to imitate our likeness And never go to war But the closest you've been to in theatres With your b**h and some popcorn p**y Im trying to believe you And everything yall telling me But I have seen soldiers first hand And its not what yall sellin me So could you please Pull your brand from the shelf And anymore songs identifying you with me Keepem to yourself Cause though you may have stood behind us You ain't never stood wit us Cause I ain't never seen you on the blocks here When them ambushes hit us And please don't think Just cause you bought some fatigues And run around with your little guns Playing war back home in the streets That you could ever in any lifetime Be a reflection of me Cause I have deployed to go war And you ain't got the balls to leave So for me could you please Shut the f** up And let me know when your done on my dick So I can zip my pants back up [Chorus] Walk a mile in my boots You couldn't make it Sure you all soldiers at home But out here you can't fake it That's why yall ain't here Ain't it Its just easier to act Hard on credit than it is to make a payment But I got my receipts No balance due on my statement And yall got to love me Hear the music and I face it Its too easy to bluff a hand And never have to play it So no yall are not soldiers Just cause yall say it [Verse 2] Look, im hearing some things Right now that I don't like at all Cause according to destiny's child Ain't none of us here soldiers at all And the whole country right now They just in love with that song But I ain't hear emsay nothing But keep using the word soldier wrong And I've been thru too much here For yall to use the term so lightly And these mof**ers they are describing They are nothing like me But im glad they marketing strategy Worked while we here dying Had to now that song ed sell sh** why the f** else would they write it Or was it written before we deployed And they just retitled it Turning a garbage song to a hit Increasing their entitlement Or maybe I ain't got no taste Or idea what a soldier is And maybe their description is dead on And I ain't here going thru sh** Maybe these mof**ers at home Being soldiers is real sh** And maybe im wrong and to be a soldier You ain't gotta do sh** But sit on your a** And let somebody else pray those rpg's miss Or when your country goes to war Just lay down like a b**h [Chorus] [Verse 3] It's a lot a talk about where yall from And who that makes you Sellin yourself as the hardest f**er In the world no thank you Sure you hard on your block But these streets ed break you Here its brand name thugs And yall some off brand ganstas Wanna be soldiers Follow me I'll take you To see some marines in fallujah And I hope you make it Or come visit my theatre sh** I'll show you some places But I really don't think That yall wanna go where I'll take you Straight to the sh**tiest City on a map Where you was probably better off Shootin yourself for we left But yall mof**ers so hard You can't be worried bout that sh** yall ed probably hold down Sadr city all by yourselves The truth is I don't hink its enough towels Cause yall ed throwem all in For I could show yall around p**y And im wonderin Who yall gone let f** yall now Hardest soldiers in America And yall all layin down The f** happened Thought yall was ready for war At least that's what every word outta your mouth Said you was but Let yall tell it And anythings possible When the closest yall been to war Is only 6,000 miles Come on now Yall can't be serious And please tell me its more to yall Than just smoke and mirrors I wanna believe you And everything yall telling me But again, I've seen soldiers first hand And its not what yall selling me [Chorus]