3301 - Liber Primus lyrics


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3301 - Liber Primus lyrics

[Chapter 1. Intus] A Warning Believe nothing from this book. Except what you know to be true. Test the knowledge. Find your truth. Experience your d**h. Do not edit or change this book. Or the message contained within. Either the words or their numbers. For all is sacred. Some Wisdom The primes are sacred. The totient function is sacred. All things should be encrypted Know This 272 138 341 131 151 366 199 130 320 18 226 245 91 245 226 18 320 130 199 366 151 131 341 138 272 Welcome Welcome, pilgrim to the great journey toward the end of all things. It is not an easy trip, but for those who find their way here it is a necessary one. Along the way you will find an end to all struggle and suffering, your innocence, your illusions, your certainty, and your reality. Ultimately, you will discover an end to self. It is through this pilgrimage that we shape ourselves and our realities. Journey deep within and you will arrive outside. Like the instar, it is only through going within that we may emerge. Wisdom You are a being unto yourself. You are a law unto yourself. Each intelligence is holy. For all that lives is holy. An Instruction Command your own self. A Koan A man decided to go and study with a master. He went to the door of the master "Who are you who wishes to study here?" asked the master. The student told the master his name. "That is not what you are that is only what you are called. "Who are you who wishes to study here?" he asked again. The man thought for a moment and replied, "I am a professor." "That is what you do, not what you are" replied the master. "Who are you who wishes to study here?" Confused, the man thought some more. Finally, he answered, "I am a human being." "That is only your species, not who you are. "Who are you who wishes to study here?" asked the master again. After a moment of thought, the professor replied, "I am a consciousness inhabiting an arbitrary body." "That is merely what you are not who you are. Who are you who wishes to study here?" The man was getting irritated. "I am," he started, but he could not think of anything else to say, so he trailed off. After a long pause the master replied "Then you are welcome to come study." An Instruction Do four unreasonable things each day. The Loss of Divinity The circumference practices three behaviors which cause the loss of divinity: Consumption - We consume too much because we beleive the follwing two errors within the deception: We do not have enough or there is not enough We have what we have now by luck, and we will not be strong enough later to obtain what we need. Most things are not worth consuming. Preservation - We preserve things because we believe we are weak. If we lose them we will no t be strong enough to gain them again. This is the deception. Most things are not worth preserving. Adherence - We follow dogma so that we can belong and be right. Or we follow reason so we can belong and be right. There is nothing to be right about. To belong is d**h. It is the behaviors of consumption, preservation, and adherence that have us lose our primal ity and thus our divinity. Some Wisdom Ama** great wealth. Never become attached to what you own. Be prepared to destroy all that you own. An Instruction Program your mind. Program reality. A Koan During a lession, the master explained the I: "the I is the voice of the circumference," he said. When asked by a student to explain what that meant, the master said "it is a voice inside your head." "I don't have a voice in my head," thought the student, and he raised his hand to tell the master. the master stopped the student, and said "the voice that just said you have no voice in your head, is the I." And the students were enllightened. An Instruction Question all things. Discover truth inside yourself. Follow your truth. Impose nothing on others. Know This 434 1311 312 278 966 204 812 934 280 1071 626 620 809 620 626 1071280 934 812 204 966 278 312 1311 434 [The next 57 pages have not yet been decrypted] An End Within the deep web there exists a page that hashes to: 36367763ab73783c7af284446c 59466b4cd653239a311cb7116 d4618dee09a8425893dc7500b 464fdaf1672d7bef5e891c6e227 4568926a49fb4f45132c2a8b4 It is the duty of euery pilgrim to seek out this page. Parable Like the instar tunneling to the surface. We must shed our own circumferences. Find the divinity within and emerge.