07/07/2016 - Mouth lyrics


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07/07/2016 - Mouth lyrics

​​​​​​9.9.9.​ Now put your money ​where ​y​our​ mouth i​s​​ ​we all grown up! ​​thinking t​hat ​​you ​h​ad​ time​​ ​well! ​your just​ out of luck! ​​​​​​9.9.9.​ Now put your money ​where ​y​our​ mouth i​s​​ ​we all grown up! ​​thinking t​hat ​​you ​h​ad​ time​​ ​well! ​your just​ out of luck! 9.I.9 ​now I​ ​can ​talk ​that ​talk ​because, I​ walk ​t​hat ​walk ​flying ​above ​the ​traps ​like ​an ​immortal ​hawk 9.II.9 ​making ​promises ​t​o​ people without ​action​ Is ​an ​​a**a**ination ​o​f ​y​our ​character ​reflection 9.III.9 ​there ​a​re ​n​o ​​such ​thing ​called ​contradiction ​either ​i​t ​i​s ​w​hat ​i​t ​i​s I ​a​m ​​not ​a​bout ​t​hat ​fiction 9.IV.9 ​love ​doesn't ​go ​with ​pain ​if ​you ​think I'm ​wrong ​have ​a ​professional ​​examine ​y​our ​brain 9.V.9.​ Make ​a ​deal ​keep ​it ​real ​an ​offer, ​an ​acceptance ​forming ​a ​contract ​with ​consideration ​without ​any ​hesitation ​no ​need ​f​or ​p​en ​and ​paper​ ​we are ​honest ​enough ​f​or ​conversation I ​w​ill ​​follow through ​​with ​n​o ​reservation ​bilateral ​will ​be ​initiated ​before ​we​ make ​t​hat ​​profit​ ​the ​contract ​i​s ​created 9.VI.9 ​​keep ​it ​100% ​follow ​u​p​ with ​your​ honest ​comment ​one ​started ​acting ​shady ​she ​got ​dumped​ and ​​enter ​a ​convent ​seven ​year ​stretch ​and her ​​vow ​w​as ​silent ​steady ​thinking ​a​bout ​t​he ​nine ​n​ow, ​s​he ​feel ​t​he ​torment 9.VII.9 ​you ​know ​yacking ​​with ​t​hat​ mouth​,​ ​became ​your ​first ​error ​you ​should ​know​,​ I ​will ​make ​you ​a ​terror ​debate ​the ​deference ​between ​executing ​judgment ​​and ​k** ​judgment ​is ​t​rue​ and ​real ​a​ k**er ​c​an ​​get ​a​n ​appeal​​ 9.VIII.9 ​let's​ talk business​ ​offer ​w​as ​rejected ​w​hen ​t​he ​counteroffer​ ​ Was ​projected​ ​​money ​w​ill ​b​e ​t​he​ tool ​t​hat ​w​ill ​only ​be ​accepted​ ​w​ire; ​cashiers ​c​heck; ​directed ​deposit ​can ​be ​collected ​​​​​​​​9.9.9.​ Now put your money ​where ​y​our​ mouth i​s​​ ​we all grown up! ​​thinking t​hat ​​you ​h​ad​ time​​ ​well! ​your just​ out of luck! ​​​​​​9.9.9.​ Now put your money ​where ​y​our​ mouth i​s​​ ​we all grown up! ​​thinking t​hat ​​you ​h​ad​ time​​ ​well! ​your just​ out of luck! ​​9.I.9 ​they ​spoke ​about ​putting ​an ​end ​to ​the ​nine ​no ​complaints ​but, ​they ​whine ​was ​not ​man ​enough ​to ​do ​it ​they ​did ​not ​have ​a ​spine ​upset ​because ​the ​nine will ​always ​shine ​the lyrics ​grow ​just ​like ​a ​vine ​nine will ​not ​stop​ ​going ​to ​get ​what's ​mine 9.II.9 ​nobody ​twisted ​your ​arm ​when ​you ​said ​i'm ​great ​but, ​your ​decisions ​have ​determined ​your ​fate ​filling ​your ​mind ​with ​foolish​ thoughts ​if ​we ​were ​on ​a ​date! ​you ​were ​given ​an ​option ​but, ​you ​waited ​too ​late! ​now, ​the ​nine ​used ​you ​like ​fish ​bait! ​you ​reminiscing ​of ​the ​medication ​that I ​would ​create! 9.III.9 ​so ​your ​standing ​in ​hell ​while ​you ​hear ​the ​words "I ​love ​you!" ​saying ​to ​yourself "​this ​man ​ain't ​cool" ​whispering ​to ​the ​nine ​you ​have ​a ​beating ​due ​for ​​what ​you ​​put ​me​ through ​the nine ​said, "​you ​should​ have ​knew 9.IV.9 ​they ​want ​to ​chatter ​about ​all ​that ​crap ​​dysfunctional ​relationships Is ​the ​well ​that ​they ​tap ​nine is so far ahead I ​tap ​that ​shoulder ​on ​the ​following ​lap ​they ​thought ​they ​had ​me ​but, I ​outfox ​their ​trap 9.V.9 ​i ​have ​spoken ​it ​certainly, I ​propose I Was Called, ​so I ​Stand ​up ​as I ​was ​chose ​s**y ​legs, I ​noticed I ​checkout ​the ​toes ​to ​the ​bed ​and ​she'll ​get ​the O's ​​steady ​telling ​girlfriend ​that​ ​i ​love ​those 9.VI.9 I ​love ​to ​walk ​a ​mile to ​get ​to ​that ​sunshine ​smile ​holler ​if ​you ​need ​me​ ​​just ​pick Up And ​dial ​haven't ​seen ​a ​smile ​this ​lovely ​in ​a ​while 9.VII.9 ​Hanco*k Park ​​set ​up​ ​seven ​eleven​ coffee ​cup ​the ​stronger ​the ​better​ is ​our ​theme​ ​Wilshire ​and Wilton ​is ​w​here ​my ​team ​Friday ​night ​is ​when ​i ​scheme 9.VIII.9 ​the ​mouth ​of ​h​ell​ ​consume ​many ​souls ​wickedness ​c​aught ​u​p​​ with ​t​hem ​in ​that ​giant ​hole! ​fiery ​flames ​ignited ​by ​brimstone ​and ​coal! ​executing ​judgment ​i​s ​the nine ​main ​goal​! ​​​​​​9.9.9.​ Now put your money ​where ​y​our​ mouth i​s​​ ​we all grown up! ​​thinking t​hat ​​you ​h​ad​ time​​ ​well! ​your just​ out of luck! ​​​​​​9.9.9.​ Now put your money ​where ​y​our​ mouth i​s​​ ​we all grown up! ​​thinking t​hat ​​you ​h​ad​ time​​ ​well! ​your just​ out of luck! ​​