INControl - Too Little Too Late lyrics


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INControl - Too Little Too Late lyrics

Been on this earth for a long time now and most would say we've evolved But as technology advances the old problems haven't been solved Some how we think we remain morally right but nothing is that pure Mankind's eyesight is too one tracked and our downfall is coming for sure But the thing that makes me lose respect in all of humanity Is the fact that we never learn from out own history How much longer can the earth sustain itself at this rate 10 billion people in 2 thousand 10, am i the only one who sees our fate I dont think there is a chance in hell that people will try to turn this around If they do it will be too little too late while the walls are already crumbling down You see the problem lies within ourselves We don't give a f** about anyone else Brought up selfish human beings Stricken by our own disease We dont see the way that others see We're not compa**ionate to what others choose to believe Threatened by everyone else who's a little bit different than ourselves This "live for today" ethic has f**ed things up Its self centered, I've had enough Definitely the most selfish way to live Cuz you take take take and never give But we will never change