In3 - 我不管 I do no care lyrics


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In3 - 我不管 I do no care lyrics

Translated by Maria Xu, Copyrights@ IN3 我不管 I don't care 中文说唱是我们的专利 Chinese Hip Hop is our own patent 文化局不批 阴三儿照样走下去 Bureau of culture does not allow it, In3 still keeps going 我不管 I don't care 嘻哈这个词我敏感 我们是北京的HIP-HOP The word Hip Hop is sensitive to me. We are Beijing Hip Hop 其他与我无关 13岁犯法依法都不能判罚 Nothing else matters to me. The law won't punish a 13-year-old child who breaks the law 拿我没办法 一直到现在照样想干嘛干嘛 Could do nothing to me Until now still just do whatever I want 别招我 我不管你丫从哪来的 Don't bother me. I don't care where you are f**ing from 别他妈罩我 我在这北京城长大 Do not deceive me. I was brought up in Beijing city 总有人跟我分胜负 Always there are people wanting to win me 但什么是正路不公平的愤怒 But what is the right way, anger of injustice 谁又能揭幕贫穷的内幕 Who could real the conspiracy of porverty 缺点能改 缺陷算不算是废物 Could make up for the shortcomings, you are not a rubbish even though you have weakness 你不是北京HIP-HOP You are not Beijing Hip Hop 别他妈跟我身边滥竽充数 Do not f**ing pretend to play the Yu around me 发自肺腑的想把废物定的规矩废除 From the heart wanting to eliminate rules made by rubbish 你们在夜场拿样儿 我们在街上跳舞 You play cards in the night club We dance on the street FREESTYLE打个招呼 怕把你难住 Freestyle says Hello, think it is too hard for you 别跟我装糊涂你丫不适合这个难度 Do not pretend you are silly You are not on this level 去看过你的演出光看你换衣服 See you change your clothes all the time when I watch your performance 这艺术理解上有错误跟不上阴三儿的进度 Misunderstand the art and could not catch up with In3 节目还没结束之前却都在着急退出 Hurry to quite even before the performance ends 阴三儿不会退步 我们从一开始就没留退路 In3 would not quite because we did not leave a way of retreat for us from the beginning 我不管 阴三儿没想拿说唱当饭碗 I don't care . In3 does not want to make Hip Hop a job 但为了我们共同的梦想可以不顾一切 But for our dreams we could be desperate 我不管 在我面前敌人有多危险 I don't care Enemy is how dangerous before me 你不找我我找你我不喜欢受别人威胁 If you do not come to me I will find you. I do not like to be threatened 我不管 你的目的到底是什么 I do not care. What is your true purpose 我知道结果所以别在这儿跟我淡逼 I know the result so do not f**ing with me 我不管 医药费有多贵 IN3封了你的嘴 I don't care How expensive is the medical expenses. In3 shuts your mouth up 因为你们丫说的不对 Because you are saying wrong 和IN3玩花活这事儿真他妈的过了 Playing this staff with In3 is f**ing too much 我们的生活你听说过没见过 Our life you have not heard or seen 所以我就嫌你们评论的太多 So I just don't like you have too many comments 虽然你丫以前去过周三的多多 管好自己的嘴护着点自己的腿 Be aware of your mouth, take care of your leg 狗急了还跳墙呢何况IN3已经疯了 When dog is mad, it jumps the wall. Nevertheless to say IN3 is mad 你们偷别人东西做了几个BEATS You stole other's staff, did some beats 翻译几个破歌词说是自己的经历 Translated some freaking lyrics and claimed they were your experience 吹牛逼成为你们的专业 Brag becomes your profession 拿样儿的时间已经超过了做音乐 Spends much more time on boasting than on doing music 你们毁了HIP-HOP换了其他的范儿 You destroy the Hip-Hop, you turned into another style IN3像鬼一样追你你有多大的胆儿 IN3 chases you like a ghost Are you tough enough 你敢上我们这儿偷东西我肯定跟你丫掰面儿 If you dare to steal from us, I will surly turn against you 再他妈装逼今儿就翻你丫的片儿 If you are still mother f**ing co*ky I will reveal your business 我拿着二踢脚找你借个火 I takedouble-bang firecracker and ask for a light 炸了你的嘴系了你的果 Blow your mouth and fire you up 因为我不管我不管 Because I don't care I don't care 你拿HIP-HOP骗了多少钱 How much money you gained dishonestly through Hip-Hop? 你们说的太面了赶紧给我滚吧 What you said was too plain, and get out of here 我不管你有多大的面子 I don't care how big is your face( how high is your status) 我不管不管不管 I don't care I don't care 我不管你是谁他妈管好你的嘴 I don't care who you are, taking care of your mother f**ing mouth 别跟我说你延续的假的说你现在有多后悔 Don't tell me you lied and you are so regressive 我不管你怎么看我其实我都无所谓 I don't care how you see me. I care whatever 我干了我想干得你看IN3在这儿站着 I did what I want. You see IN3 is still standing here 不管明天什么样我还是这操性 No matter what will tomorrow be, I am still me 所以哪儿也去不了也只能死在北京 So no else where to go. Just die in Beijing 但是我不管大老爷们活着就得干 But I don't care. Milord lives to work 我们要干的就是玩儿 What we are doing is playing 你知道我们这就是北京的范儿 You know we are just Beijing style 玩说唱玩脏的玩音乐玩真的 Play Hip-Hop. play dirty things(dirty language) play music, play the truth 阴三儿比你多一样 那肯定是玩阴的 IN3 do one more thing than you. It is surely doing negative(gangster) 各种阴招儿都给你丫备着 Preparing you all the black strategy 早晚有一天给你丫废了 There will be some day we f** you 天时地利我们都占了 We have the the right place at the right time 就等你丫玩美了 Just waiting for you playing out 我不管 我们都疯了 让你丫给逼的 I don't care We are all mad. You push us to the edge of madness 每天带着恨活着 你丫敢说你没有么 Live with hatred everyday. Do you f**ing dare to say no? 希望能早点离开这个圈儿 Hope could leave this group as soon as possible 没有那么多的面儿 No more faces 别老问我什么价儿 Do not always ask me about prices(for performing on the stage) 我也不希罕内俩钱儿 I don't care that money 我告诉你 出歌把你丫骂了也是艺术 Let me tell you. Publishing songs and criticizing you is also an art 对待你们这种人我也只能用这种态度 I could only treat people like you in this attitude 在多切一点儿玩的再脏一点儿没事儿 It is fine to doing more and playing dirtier(more gangster) 你丫就是我的灵感所以请你快一点儿 You are f**ing my inspiration So do it quicker please 我不管操你妈了逼得 I don't care Mother f**ing you! (别人对我怎么看) How others see me (在我说脏话的时候你别盘算) When I am cursing you don't plot (我不管别人对我怎么做) I don't care what others do to me (牛逼你就过来动我) If you think you are cool then come and offend me (我不管在北京生活有多难) I don't care how hard to live in Beijing (这个就是IN3 在不停的传) This is IN3 Forever publishing (我不管今天IN3要造反) I don't care. Today IN3 is rebelling (我不管 不管 不管 ......) I don't care don't care don't care