In3 - 自由式 Freestyle lyrics


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In3 - 自由式 Freestyle lyrics

Translated by Maria Xu. Copyright@In3 我要你站在,我的街头 I love to see you standing in my street 手里拿着啤酒,感受节奏给你我的freestyle Holding the beer, and feeling the rhythm through my freestyle 享受着自由,你接不接受 Enjoy the freedom, Do you want it? 我无所谓说得太累,这阳光把我麻醉 I am tired to say whatever, The sunshine paralyzes me 让我说得太多可是生活该怎么过 I said too much but how could I live? 他们说音乐不能变成你的工作 They say music should not be your career 你需要买身西装,需要学会假装 You should buy a suit, and learn to lie 需要用钞票来满足你的欲望 You need money to satisfy your desire 你的方向不是我的希望,让我太失望 Your direction is not my dream, you disappoint me 我有自己的梦想,钱不代表力量,也不能带上天堂 I have my own dream. Money does not mean power, and yet could not be brought to heaven with you 因为真的太脏了,不像我的说唱 Because it is really dirty, unlike my hip hop 让我在幻想里飞,在梦里追 Allow me to fly in my imagination, and pursue in my dream 而不是你嘴里的利益 我天生叛逆 It's not the interest in your mind. I was born rebel 总是有问题没有权利 Always have problems and no rights 社会把我抛弃了,但是还在一直不停努力 The society abandons me. But still trying hard 为了梦想能实现,把现实改变 For the dream may come true, and the circumstance may get changed 我相信那一天会来到我的眼前 I believe that day will come to me 但是时间一年又一年飞快在流逝 But time flies year by year 只有我们的坚持永远不会停止.我的词 Only our persistence never stops. My words 为了不让这个感觉在北京消失, For not letting this feeling disappearing in Beijing 变成一个历史,而不是一张剪碎的纸 And turning into the history. But not a sheared paper 我的瓷.你知道我的意思 My words. You know what I mean 因为我们都曾经被这感觉感动过 For we were all touched by this sort of feeling 太多的抱怨,太多的厌倦 Too much complaint, to much weary 太多的人的态度是随缘 Too many people's attitude is following the fate(“yuan”) 所以说是说唱选择了我 So say Hip Hop chooses me 让我毫不犹豫的握紧手中的麦克 Makes me hold the microphone tightly without hesitation 扮演我的角色站在角落里不再沉默 Let me standing in the corner play my role and no more silence 让我的声音从空气里穿过。 Make my voice piecing through the air 提醒你千万别模糊了对错 To remind you never blur the right or wrong 坚固着你每次给自己的承诺 Stick to your determination every time you promise yourself 这不是胡说八道的freestyle不能去思考, This is not the freestyle without thinking and consideration, talking blindly 不能总是想要得到,但谁不需要回报 Should not always want to gain, but who does not need repay? 谁能毫无缘故地去帮助 Who could offer help without reason 谁在贪污着我们辛苦的付出 Who is corrupting our hard working 我们自己心里清楚,我们需要的是尊重, We know it by hearts, what we need is respect 而不是被利用,你根本不会懂 But not be used, you do not understand at all 因为我们彼此想要得也不同 Because our dreams are different 这个世界像杆秤 The world is like a beam scale 我们站在称的两边寻找各自的平衡 We stand on the two sides finding our own balance 于是有了理由和借口 So there is reason and excuse 尽管太多人不会接受, Even though most people would not accept 我还会继续往下走 I will keep going 没有尽头,没有出口。 No end, no exit 只有站在街头你才会有这种感受 Only when you stand on the street you get this feeling 我们给他取个名字叫做自由 We name it Freedom